Meta 3: La gobernanza nacional, regional, e internacional que afecta a las especies migratorias y sus hábitats habrá mejorado significativamente, haciendo que los procesos políticos, normativos y de implementación pertinentes sean más coherentes, responsables, transparentes, participativos, equitativos e inclusivos.


►    El Memorando de Entendimiento sobra la conservación de los tiburones migratorios - Anexo 3: Plan de Conservación incluye:

Theme 9 - National, Regional and International Collaboration and Cooperation:

Objective 1 - Promote and enhance national, regional and international coordination, collaboration and partnership for whale and dolphin conservation in the Pacific Islands Region:

9.5) Develop linkages and relationships with relevant regional organizations and processes, such as RFMOs (e.g. MoUs, information exchange and cross-sectoral integration).

►    The Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation of Migratory Sharks; Conservation Plan includes:

· (Planned for 2017) a Strategy on the Cooperation with Regional Fisheries Bodies to be developed.

· A provision in the CMS/CITES Joint Work Programme 2015-2020 (B17) which seeks to optimize the effectiveness of actions taken by Parties to both CMS and CITES concerning sharks and rays, and to strengthen synergies with FAO, RFMOs and other relevant bodies.

· Cooperation with the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) on capacity building to support progress on the implementation of the Regional Observer Scheme of IOTC.

· Recommendation by the IOTC Working Party on Ecologically Related Species for future joint activities between CMS and IOTC, in particular related to Capacity Building.

►    The Conservation and Management Plan of the Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation and Management of Marine Turtles and their Habitats of the Indian Ocean and South-East Asia (IOSEA Marine Turtle MoU) includes:

Objective 5 - Enhance national, regional and international cooperation:

5.1.a) Encourage signatory States that have not already done so to become Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

5.1.b) Review at a national level compliance with obligations under CITES relating to trade in marine turtles, their eggs, parts or products.

5.1.c) Facilitate better compliance with CITES through training of relevant authorities in cooperation with other signatory States, the CITES Secretariat and other relevant organisations.

5.1.d) Identify routes of international illegal trade through monitoring, and seek cooperation to take action to prevent, deter and, where possible, eliminate illegal trade.

5.1.e) Exchange and discuss information on compliance and trade issues at regular intervals, such as through annual reporting to the MoU Secretariat and at meetings of the signatory States.

5.3.h) Encourage MoU Signatory States that have not already done so to become Parties to the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS).

5.3.i) Encourage signatory States to become Parties to global fisheries agreements such as the UN Fish Stocks Agreement (1995) and the FAO Compliance Agreement (1993) and implement the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (1995).

5.3.j) Establish relationships with regional fisheries bodies with a view to obtaining data on incidental capture and encourage them to adopt marine turtle conservation measures within EEZs and on the high seas.

►    The Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation and Management of Dugongs (Dugon dugong) and their Habitats throughout their Range (Dugong MoU) includes:

Objective 7 – Promote implementation of the MoU:

7.1) Encourage all Range States to participate in the MoU and its conservation and management activities.

►    The Saker Falcon Global Action Plan includes:

Objective 5 - Ensure effective stakeholder involvement in the implementation of Saker GAP within a Saker Falcon Adaptive Management Framework:

5.8) Raise stakeholders’ awareness of the status and biology of the Saker Falcon and increase their cooperation and involvement in its conservation:

5.8.2) Collaborate with key stakeholders within the Saker Falcon Network. Hold regular regional and sub-regional meetings, workshops and conferences with them to understand their needs and to plan, implement, monitor and review conservation measures with them.

►    The Programme of Work of the Central Asian Mammals Initiative includes:

Objective 1 - To address key threats and issues currently not (sufficiently) covered by existing work programmes and stakeholders:

1.4.1) Develop/review the existing policies and regulatory frameworks that affect migratory and transboundary species (or policies that create known/identified threats) which are of interest to CMS to address gaps.

1.4.2) Identify if the problems exist at the local level or at national level and where the policies are in conflict with each other.

1.4.6) Create a ‘best practice’ policy guide for issues that affect migratory and transboundary species in CAMI countries.

Objective 4 - To support implementation, coordination and resourcing of the CAMI:

4.2.13) Include biodiversity conservation measures into the contracts with mining companies (e.g. to Product Sharing Agreements).