Meta 7: Las múltiples presiones antropogénicas se habrán llevado a niveles que no resulten perjudiciales para las especies migratorias o para el funcionamiento, la integridad, la conectividad ecológica y la resiliencia de sus hábitats.


Communication work guided by the CMS Communication Strategy (under development) will support the implementation of Target 7, including by highlighting relevant anthropogenic pressures and their negative impact on migratory species.


Para más información, véase la Meta 1.


The following existing CMS instruments and tools address raising awareness on the most important anthropogenic pressures on terrestrial mammals (linear infrastructure, including transportation and fencing; mining activities; and overgrazing by livestock /competition for resources with livestock and human-predator conflict due to livestock depredation):


►    The Programme of Work of the Central Asian Mammals Initiative (CAMI POW) includes:

Objective 1 - To address key threats and issues currently not (sufficiently) covered by existing work programmes and stakeholders:

1.2.4) Develop and promote awareness and educational programmes on wildlife protection among herding communities.                  

1.3.2) Increase public-awareness on barriers to migration, specifically:

1.3.2.a) Raise awareness of the broad public on benefits from migratory species,

1.3.2.b) Raise awareness of the broad public on impacts of barriers on migratory species and possible solutions, and

1.3.2.c) Conduct information campaigns targeted at decision makers in government, sector and technical agencies.

►    The Saiga-Medium-Term International Work Programme (for the Saiga Antelope (2016-2020) includes:

Objective 5 - Awareness:

5.1) Continue an objective high-profile mass-media campaign at regional, national and local levels in both Range States and consumer countries, addressing saiga conservation, restoration and sustainable use, and explaining the relevant challenges, with a particular focus on local media outlets.

Objective 12 - Ustiurt population:

12.7) Ensure public access to information on planning, and implement mitigation measures and compensation for saiga and habitat conservation, in collaboration with infrastructural developers (including oil and gas companies and road/rail developers).

►    El Memorando de Entendimiento sobra la conservación de los tiburones migratorios - Anexo 3: Plan de Conservación incluye:

Objetivo 12 - Aumentar la concienciación pública de las amenazas a los tiburones y sus hábitats, y mejorar la participación pública en las actividades de conservación:

12.2) Aumentar la concienciación pública de las amenazas a los tiburones y sus hábitats.