Meta 3: La gobernanza nacional, regional, e internacional que afecta a las especies migratorias y sus hábitats habrá mejorado significativamente, haciendo que los procesos políticos, normativos y de implementación pertinentes sean más coherentes, responsables, transparentes, participativos, equitativos e inclusivos.


The following MoUs of the CMS Family acknowledge the need to provide training and support to develop policies and laws relevant to the conservation of migratory species:


►    The Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation of Migratory Birds of Prey in Africa and Eurasia (Raptors MoU Action Plan) (Annex 3 to MoU) includes:

Objective 1 - Improvement of legal protection:

1.5) Strengthen the application of legal protection, and reporting of persecution, for birds of prey by ensuring […] training law enforcement authorities […].

►    The Conservation and Management Plan of the Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation and Management of Marine Turtles and their Habitats of the Indian Ocean and South-East Asia (IOSEA Marine Turtle MoU) includes:

Objective 5 - Enhance national, regional and international cooperation:

5.1.f) Identify, prevent, deter and, where possible, eliminate domestic illegal trade through monitoring, implementation of legislation, identification of gaps in enforcement capabilities in each country, and training of enforcement officers.

5.4.a) Identify needs for capacity-building in terms of human resources, knowledge and facilities.

5.4.b) Provide training (e.g. through workshops) in marine turtle conservation and management techniques to relevant agencies, individuals and local communities.

5.4.c) Coordinate training programmes and workshops.

►    The Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation and Management of Dugongs (Dugon dugong) and their Habitats throughout their Range (Dugong MOU) includes:

Objective 9 – Enhance national, regional and international cooperation on capacity building:

9.1) Promote capacity building at all levels to strengthen conservation measures.

►    The MoU for the Conservation of cetaceans and their habitats in the Pacific Island Region: Whale and Dolphin Action Plan 2013-2017 includes:

Theme 2 - Capacity Building:

Objective 1 - Increase in-country expertise and capacity:

2.2) Develop training packages on common priorities (e.g. stranding, data recording, legislation, communication, etc.) based on regional priorities and convene workshops based on identified needs.

2.4) Build in-country capacity to prepare relevant regulation, legislation and policy.

2.10) Develop capacity to negotiate and advocate for regional policies and positions.

►    The Action Plan for the conservation of small cetaceans of Western Africa and Macaronesia (Annex II of MoU) includes:

Theme 2 – Legislation and Policy:

Objective 1 - Promote country-level legal, policy and institutional frameworks to support effective implementation of the SCAP and to supply mechanisms for enforcing the regulations:

· Assess the suitability of processes and outcomes used for national capacity self-assessments and other related biodiversity mechanisms (e.g. NBSAPs) to address legal and policy capacity needs for small cetacean conservation.

· Build in-country capacity to prepare relevant regulation, legislation and policy.

►    The Memorandum of Understanding for the conservation of cetaceans and their habitats in the Pacific Islands Region: Whale and Dolphin Action Plan 2013-2017 includes:

Theme 2 - Capacity Building:

Objective 1 - Increase in country expertise and capacity:

2.2) Develop training packages on common priorities (e.g. stranding, data recording, legislation, communication, etc.) based on regional priorities and convene workshops based on identified needs.

2.4) Build in-country capacity to prepare relevant regulation, legislation and policy.

2.10) Develop capacity to negotiate and advocate for regional policies and positions.

Theme 9 - National, Regional and International Collaboration and Cooperation:

Objective 1 - Promote and enhance national, regional and international coordination, collaboration and partnership for whale and dolphin conservation in the Pacific Islands Region:

9.9) Assess members’ capacity to implement the WDAP, CMS Cetacean MoU, CITES and CBD where relevant, using, e.g. the NCSA process already in place in countries.