Meta 14: Se respetan los conocimientos, las innovaciones y las prácticas tradicionales de las comunidades indígenas y locales pertinentes para la conservación y la utilización sostenible de la diversidad biológica, y su uso consuetudinario de los recursos biológicos, de conformidad con la legislación nacional y las obligaciones internacionales pertinentes, con la participación plena y efectiva de las comunidades indígenas y locales, contribuyendo así al estado de conservación favorable de las especies migratorias y la conectividad ecológica y la resiliencia de sus hábitats.


Several decisions and instruments developed under the CMS Family provide for resourcing mechanisms and opportunities aimed at:

   - Exploring opportunities for funding and for submitting grant applications together with and in support of local communities; and

   - Ensuring the equitable benefit sharing of revenues from trophy hunting and ecotourism/wildlife watching to local communities.


►    The International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Argali:

Objective 1 - To stabilize argali numbers and range and reverse negative trends:

1.2.4) Ensure the equitable benefit sharing of revenues from trophy hunting to local communities.

►    The MoU concerning the conservation of the Manatee and small cetaceans of Western Africa and Macaronesia: Action Plan for the conservation of small cetaceans of Western Africa and Macaronesia includes:

Theme 8 – Tourism Based on Small Cetaceans:

Objective 1 - Ensure best practice management and maximise educational and economic values of tourism based on small cetaceans in the western African region:

8.1.5) Ensure that socio-economic benefits of whale and dolphin watching reach local communities.