
Title Description Focus Addressed threats Relevant Instruments Published in
Technical Guidance on Systematic Conservation Planning with Connectivity

This Technical Guidance lays out a science-based approach to planning the expansion of ecological networks for conservation while increasing their ecological representativeness and connectivity. Both of these characteristics of ecological networks are key to the persistence of biodiversity through time.

All CMS 2024
International Light Pollution Guidelines for Migratory Species

Natural darkness has a conservation value in the same way that clean water, air and soil has intrinsic value. Artificial light at night is increasing globally by about two per cent per year (Kyba et al., 2017). Over the 25-year period 1992 – 2017 artificial light emissions increased by at least 49% (Sánchez de Miguel et al., 2021).

Light pollution CMS 2024
Guideline on Predator Control Strategies for the Conservation of the Great Bustard (Otis tarda)

The Great Bustard is inherently linked to agricultural areas throughout its life cycle. Rare and sensitive species, such as the strictly protected Great Bustard are more adversely impacted by the changes resulting from environmental and agricultural transformations.

Birds CMS 2024
Guideline for the Different Agri-Environmental Schemes for the Benefit of the Great Bustard (Otis tarda)

The development of agricultural technologies, the intensification of cultivation and animal husbandry, - along with several other threats - , led to the collapse of the Central European Great Bustard population, and resulted in a large decline in almost all populations worldwide.

Birds CMS 2024
Guideline on Measures to Secure the Successful Wintering of Great Bustards

The winter weather conditions significantly vary in the Carpathian Basin and in the whole Middle-European region year by year. These differences were becoming more significant in the last decades due to climate change.

Birds CMS 2024
Guidelines for the Safe and Humane Handling and Release of Bycaught Small Cetaceans from Fishing Gear - CMS Technical Series No.43

These guidelines, in their full text format, are intended to provide fisheries managers at any level, as well as those who work with fisheries to improve their sustainability, with bestpractice methodology on the safe and humane handling and release of small cetaceans accidentally bycaught in fishing gear.

Marine mammals Bycatch, Unsustainable fishing and harvesting aquatic resources ACCOBAMS, ASCOBANS, CMS, Pacific Islands Cetaceans, Western African Aquatic Mammals 2020
Guidelines on How to Avoid or Mitigate Impact of Electricity Power Grids on Migratory Birds in the African-Eurasian Region

These guidelines offer various technical and legislative approaches for avoiding or mitigating the impact of electrocution and collision of migratory birds across the African-Eurasian region as well as suggestions for assessing and monitoring the effectiveness of mitigation and preventive measures.

Birds Electrocution, Infrastructure and service corridors, Energy production and mining AEWA, Birds of Prey (Raptors), CMS 2020
National Light Pollution Guidelines for Wildlife including Marine Turtles, Seabirds and Migratory Shorebirds

These Guidelines provide users with the theoretical, technical and practical information required to assess if artificial lighting is likely to affect wildlife and the management tools to minimise and mitigate that affect. These techniques can be applied regardless of scale, from small, domestic projects to large-scale industrial developments.

Birds, Reptiles Light pollution, Pollution CMS, IOSEA Marine Turtles 2020
Guidelines for Preparing and Assessing Proposals for the Amendment of CMS Appendices CMS 2020
Guidelines for the Conservation of Lions in Africa

The GCLA provide practical guidance for the survey, conservation and management of lion populations in Africa, to facilitate the implementation of the Regional Conservation Strategies and National or Regional Action Plans developed based on these Strategies.

Terrestrial mammals Habitat loss and degradation, Human Disturbance, Prey depletion African Carnivores Initiative, CMS, Joint CITES/CMS/IUCN Lion Web Portal 2019
Guidelines for the Review of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) of Developments Impacting on Sea Turtles and Turtle Habitat

These guidelines will assist in identifying potential impacts (i.e. severity, spatial extent and duration) of industry related pressures on sea turtles and their habitat, and where possible, identify potential mitigation measures to maximise environmental, social and economic benefits.

Reptiles Habitat loss and degradation, Human Disturbance, Infrastructure and service corridors IOSEA Marine Turtles 2019
Guidelines for Monitoring of Population Parameters of Great Bustard and of the Effects of Management Measures

This guideline is focusing on the monitoring of Great Bustard populations, but it does not aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the available research techniques.

Birds CMS, Middle-European Great Bustard 2018
Live Capture of Cetaceans from the Wild for Commercial Purposes

Best Practice Guidelines designed to assist Parties interested in improving existing national legislation or developing new laws relating to the capture, transit or import of live cetaceans for commercial purposes.

Marine mammals Trade, Unsustainable fishing and harvesting aquatic resources CMS 2017
Adverse Impacts of Anthropogenic Noise on Cetaceans and Other Migratory Species Marine mammals Noise pollution, Pollution CMS 2017
Guidelines for Addressing the Impact of Linear Infrastructure on Large Migratory Mammals in Central Asia
Guidelines describing the application of best practices to address the impacts of linear infrastructure
development at the project and national level in order to maintain connectivity for wildlife populations
in the face of growing infrastructure development in Central Asia.
Terrestrial mammals Habitat loss and degradation, Infrastructure and service corridors Central Asian Mammals Initiative, CMS, Saiga Antelope 2015
Guidelines for consideration of bats in wind farm projects (Revision 2014)

A large amount of research has been carried out into the impacts of wind turbines on bats and the increased knowledge justifies the update of this document. These guidelines are applicable to larger wind farm developments in urban as well as rural areas, on the land a

Terrestrial mammals Energy production and mining CMS, EUROBATS 2015
Guidelines to Prevent the Risk of Poisoning to Migratory Birds Birds Poisoning CMS 2014
Renewable Energy Technologies and Migratory Species: Guidelines for Sustainable Deployment Marine mammals, Terrestrial mammals, Birds, Fish Energy production and mining CMS 2014
Guidelines for Reinforcement and Reintroduction of the Great Bustard Otis tarda Birds CMS, Middle-European Great Bustard 2013
Guidance on the Integration of the Conservation of Migratory Species into NBSAPs All CMS 2011
Guidelines for capturing and radio-tracking Great Bustards

These guidelines were considered necessary because the Middle European population of Great Bustard sometimes suffer serious losses during winter migration and migration routes and winter movements are poorly known based on land based surveys.

Birds CMS, Middle-European Great Bustard 2008