Resolutions of the CMS Conference of the Parties (COP) in effect

All historic Resolutions, whether repealed or revised, can be found under the “Resolutions” tab on the page for the relevant COP.  

Document Number Title
Resolution 12.01 Presidency of the Conference of Parties
Resolution 12.03 Manila Declaration on Sustainable Development and Migratory Species
Resolution 12.4 (Rev.COP14) Scientific Council
Resolution 12.5 (Rev.COP14) National Reports
Resolution 12.6 (Rev.COP14) Wildlife health and migratory species
Resolution 12.08 Implementation of Articles IV and V of the Convention
Resolution 12.09 Establishment of a Review Mechanism and a National Legislation Programme
Resolution 12.10 (Rev.COP14) Conservation of African-Eurasian vultures
Resolution 12.11 (Rev.COP14) Flyways
Resolution 12.12 (Rev.COP14) Action Plans for birds
Resolution 12.13 Important Marine Mammal Areas (IMMAs)
Resolution 12.14 Adverse Impacts of Anthropogenic Noise on Cetaceans and Other Migratory Species
Resolution 12.15 Aquatic Wild Meat
Resolution 12.16 (Rev.COP14) Recreational in-water interaction with aquatic wildlife
Resolution 12.17 Conservation and Management of Whales and their Habitats in the South Atlantic Region
Resolution 12.17/Annex Action Plan for the Protection and Conservation of South Atlantic Whales
Resolution 12.18 (Rev.COP13) Conservation of the African Wild Ass (Equus Africanus)
Resolution 12.19 (Rev.COP14) Endorsement of the African Elephant Action Plan
Resolution 12.20 Management of Marine Debris
Resolution 12.21 (Rev.COP14) Climate change and migratory species
Resolution 12.22 Bycatch
Resolution 12.23 (Rev.COP14) Sustainable tourism and migratory species
Resolution 12.24 Promoting Marine Protected Area Networks in the ASEAN Region
Resolution 12.25 Promoting Conservation of Critical Intertidal and Other Coastal Habitats for Migratory Species
Resolution 12.27 (Rev.COP14) Taxonomy and Nomenclature
Resolution 12.28 (Rev.COP14) Concerted Actions
Document Number Title
Resolution 09.09 (Rev.COP12) Marine Migratory Species
Resolution 09.15 Composition and Organisation of the Standing Committee
Resolution 9.21 (Rev.COP14) Sahelo-Saharan Megafauna Initiative
Resolution 09.22 (Rev.COP12) Tigers and Other Asian Big Cats