Delphinus delphis

UN Agreement for Small Whales Turns 25 Years Old
17 Mar 2017

The ASCOBANS Outreach and Education Award was presented to Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC), and accepted on behalf of the organization by its Chief Executive, Chris Butler-Stroud. CMS Executive Secretary Bradnee Chambers presented the award.

30 Aug 2016

From 30 August to 1 September 2016, the 8th Meeting of the Parties to the Agreement for the Conservation of Small Cetaceans in the Baltic, North East Atlantic, Irish and North Seas (ASCOBANS) will take place in Helsinki, Finland. At the meeting, Parties will review the implementation of the Agreement over the past four years, and agree upon priority conservation measures for the period 2017-2020.

26 Aug 2016

The ocean harbours immense potential as a source of renewable energy, but accessing that energy can be damaging to marine species and their habitats.

16 Aug 2016

Underwater noise generated by human activity affects a wide variety of species, from crustaceans to cetaceans. At the upcoming 8th Meeting of the Parties to

02 Aug 2016
Assessment information
CMS InstrumentsCMS, ASCOBANS, ACCOBAMS, Western African Aquatic Mammals, Pacific Islands Cetaceans
IUCN StatusEndangered
Date of entry in Appendix I2005
Date of entry in Appendix II1988
Geographic range
Countries Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, France, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, United States of America, Vanuatu

No pictures for Delphinus delphis

Common names
EnglishCommon Dolphin
FrenchDauphin Commun
SpanishDelfín común
GermanGemeiner delphin
Scientific name Delphinus delphis
Other details
Additional notesRange State list incomplete!

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