The Aquatic Wild Meat Working Group of the Scientific Council should, subject to the availability of resources: a) work with the Bycatch Working Group to develop an analysis of the extent of instances where bycatch transitions to aquatic wild meat harvest and report on this for the Scientific Council to provide clear recommendations to the 14th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP14). b) undertake the following tasks over the course of the intersessional period and report to the Scientific Council with clear recommendations for CMS Parties for CMS COP14, ensuring that perspectives of species conservation, human health and sustainable livelihoods are taken into account: i. incorporate CMS Appendix I-listed Sharks and Rays into all relevant activities of the working group; ii. continue discussions to establish an online knowledge base as a repository of papers (journal articles, meeting documents etc.) and other information related to aquatic wild meat; iii. serve as an expert resource for CMS Parties, the Scientific Council and the Secretariat to contribute to the bushmeat/wild meat discussions within the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the International Whaling Commission (IWC) and the Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management (CPW), or when international coordination and cooperation about aquatic wild meat is required; iv. explore opportunities for greater engagement with the work of the CPW; v. develop a criterion for considering if some Appendix II-listed sharks and rays should be included within the scope of the Working Group; vi. share information with the IWC and participate in future Small Cetacean Subcommittee meetings with a focus on aquatic wild meat; vii. provide support to the Abidjan Aquatic Wildlife Partnership, where the development of the Action Plan to Combat Trade, Direct Consumption, Illegal Logging, and Other Uses of Endangered, Threatened or Protected Coastal and Marine Species overlaps with the conservation of CMS-listed species in the western African region; viii. collect and present information about seabird harvests as aquatic wild meat; ix. develop a sub-regional aquatic Wild Meat action plan for the Gulf of Guinea for consideration by Range State Parties in the region; and develop regional, sub-regional or national actions plans for Range State Parties that request assistance.