25 Years of AEWA – Statement by Amy Fraenkel, Executive Secretary of CMS
I am pleased to recognize the achievements of the African-Eurasian Waterbird Agreement on its 25th Anniversary.
The Agreement covers the whole of Europe and Africa together with the Middle East, Central Asia and the Canadian Archipelago, making this instrument the largest of its kind developed under the Convention on Migratory Species. In its 25 years of history, AEWA has become a strong motor for flyway conservation and a true champion for international conservation efforts for migratory waterbirds across Africa and Eurasia.
AEWA has demonstrated both effective international collaboration and strong implementation on the ground and its achievements to date have been remarkable. AEWA has broken new ground in the way it has developed - and is implementing - action plans for single species, and the way it has developed guidance on best conservation practice, for example with regard to sustainable harvest or on how to mitigate the impact of electricity power grids and other energy infrastructure on waterbirds.
The CMS and AEWA Secretariats collaborate on a number of important areas and initiatives, including the CMS-led Energy Task Force and the Task Force on Illegal Killing, Taking and Trade of Migratory Birds in the Mediterranean. In addition, our two Secretariats work closely together with expert groups to prevent lead poisoning, to conserve landbirds and to advance flyway conservation in the African-Eurasian region.
I would like to sincerely thank and congratulate Jacques Trouvilliez, the AEWA Executive Secretary, as well as the entire AEWA team, for all their hard work and contributions over the years to strengthening the international cooperation that is so essential in conserving migratory waterbirds and the habitats they depend on.
I would also like to use the opportunity of the 25th Anniversary to thank the wide community of actors - the AEWA Parties, the many partners, experts and supporters of AEWA for their strong commitment and tireless efforts in support of the treaty and its implementation. Their collective efforts over the past 25 years have made AEWA what it is today and have resulted in concrete successes on the ground.
Even while we celebrate this milestone, there are many continuing challenges and threats facing migratory waterbirds. The work of AEWA is needed now more than ever to address these challenges and to continue to help African and Eurasian migratory waterbirds survive and thrive.
I look forward to continuing the close relationship with the entire AEWA family, and together, I am confident that we will meet these challenges.
Happy 25th Anniversary!
Last updated on 02 November 2020