Les principaux documents d’information générale, ainsi que les documents préparés durant le processus, y compris les contributions indépendantes, sont fournis ci-après.


Report of the Strategic Plan Working Group to the 41st Meeting of the CMS Standing Committee (UNEP/CMS/StC41/13)

(Finalized) A Natural Affiliation: Developing the Role of NGOs in the CMS Family (UNEP/CMS/StC41/6.2a)


(First Stage Report) The Natural Affiliation: Developing the Role of NGOs in the CMS Family (UNEP/CMS/StC40/6.2.a)

Progress Report from the CMS Strategic Plan Working Group to the 40th Meeting of the CMS Standing Committee (UNEP/CMS/StC40/12)

Supplementary update from the Chair of the CMS Strategic Plan Working Group to the 40th Meeting of the CMS Standing Committee: Report by the Chair of the Strategic Plan Working Group

Supplementary update - Appended PowerPoint slides


CMS Updated Strategic Plan 2006-2014: UNEP/CMS/Res.10.5

Analysis and Synthesis of National Reports: UNEP/CMS/Conf.10.11

Analysis and Synthesis of National Reports: UNEP/CMS/Conf.10.11 Annex

Resolution 10.9 (identifies medium- to long-term priorities for action to guide the future Strategic Plan)


Material prepared as part of the CMS Future Shape process, and the final outcome of that process (link to Future Shape pages)


The Biodiversity Strategic Plan 2011-2020 and Aichi Biodiversity Targets (link to CBD website)


Report on the Secretariat’s contribution to the implementation of the CMS Strategic Plan 2006-11: UNEP/CMS/Conf.9.5

Conf.9.5 Addendum

Analysis and Synthesis of National Reports: UNEP/CMS/Conf.9.10