Objectif 15: Les bases scientifiques, l’information, la formation, la sensibilisation, la compréhension et les technologies concernant les espèces migratrices, leurs habitats et systèmes migratoires, leurs valeurs, leur fonctionnement, leur état et leurs tendances, ainsi que les conséquences de leur appauvrissement, sont améliorées, largement partagées et transférées, et efficacement appliquées.


Communication work guided by the CMS Communication Strategy (under development) can support the implementation of Target 15, drawing on science as a sound basis for communication, and supporting in turn the transfer and sharing of knowledge.


The webpage for the Sharks MOU (www.cms.int/sharks) provides information on a number of items mentioned in Target 15.  In addition a communication and awareness raising strategy for the MOU is being planned for release in 2017 and it will also address issues covered by this target.


To be completed with sections of the Communication Strategy most relevant to the target once the Strategy is finalized.