Equus africanus

We are happy to announce the publication of the Roadmap for the Conservation of the African Wild Ass (Equus africanus). The object of this Roadmap is to outline in broad terms the geographic range, population, habitat and ecology of African Wild Ass and the threats that they are facing. This Roadmap builds on information discussed at the Range State meeting held in March 2017 in Bonn, Germany, and a commenting process that followed.

25 Jan 2018

Twenty-five representatives of Range States, donors and experts met in Bonn 6-7 March to agree a “road map” to secure the conservation of the African Wild Ass (Equus africanus), which is categorized as Critically Endangered on the IUCN’s Red List.

17 Mar 2017

Two male African Wild Ass (C) Patricia Moehlmann

Two male African Wild Ass (C) Patricia Moehlmann



Assessment information
CMS InstrumentsCMS, Sahelo-Saharan Megafauna Initiative (2024)
IUCN StatusCritically endangered
Date of entry in Appendix I2017
Geographic range
Countries Eritrea, Ethiopia
Common names
EnglishAfrican Wild Ass, Somali Wild Ass, Nubian Wild Ass
FrenchÂne sauvage d'Afrique
SpanishAsno Salvaje de África
GermanAfrikanischer Wildesel
Scientific name Equus africanus
AuthorHeuglin & Fitzinger 1866
SynonymsEquus asinus

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