
Standard Operating Procedures for detecting and reacting to incidents of health risks for and die-offs in Saiga antelopes and other wildlife in Kazakhstan

In 2010 and 2015 mass die-off events have been observed in Saiga antelope of the Ural and Betpak-Dala populations in Kazakhstan. In intervening years, smaller die-offs of hundreds to a few thousands of animals have also been observed. These are the first such reported incidents after the dramatic decline in numbers in the 1990s, which led to the current status of a critically endangered species. Only a few thousand animals were left in 2003. Hunting of Saiga antelopes is forbidden and the species is protected by international conventions.

15 August 2017

Meetings in Singapore Set up the Avian Agenda for the East Asian-Australasian Flyway

Two important avian meetings took place back to back in Singapore early in 2017: the first was a meeting of the Arctic Migratory Birds Initiative (AMBI), a group that operates under the Arctic Council’s CAFF (Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna); the second was the 9th Meeting of Partners to the East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership

18 January 2017

Asian Regional Workshop Advances International Cooperation to Halt Drastic Declines in Old World Vulture Populations

The third Regional Workshop to develop a Multi-species Action Plan to Conserve African-Eurasian Vultures (Vulture MsAP) took place from 29 to 30 November in Mumbai, India. This Workshop covered nine of the fifteen species of Old World vultures, a term used for vultures that occur in the continents of Africa, Asia and Europe; a region collectively referred to as the Old World.

05 December 2016

CMS Signs First Partnership Agreement with Chinese NGO

CMS and the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) signed a Partnership Agreement to formalize their cooperation to better protect migratory animals and their habitats. CBCGDF thereby becomes the first formal Chinese NGO partner of CMS.

09 November 2016

CMS Executive Secretary Visits China

CMS Executive Secretary, Bradnee Chambers has just completed a three-day visit of China, where he met ministry officials, participated in a workshop, attended an award ceremony for children’s paintings and visited two conservation areas.

09 November 2016

Meeting in China Agrees Urgent Conservation Measures for the Endangered Yellow-breasted Bunting

An International Workshop on the Yellow-breasted Bunting and Migratory Landbird Conservation took place on the 2-4 November 2016 in the city of Guangzhou, in the province of Guangdong, China. Fifty experts from ten countries met to discuss the species’ conservation status and to agree on the conservation priorities under the framework of an international Action Plan. Over the last 30 years, the Yellow-breasted Bunting has suffered a rapid decline that has led to its uplisting in the IUCN Red List to the category of “Endangered”. The main reason for this decline is the intensive trapping in the wintering grounds, especially in China where this bird is highly appreciated as food.

09 November 2016

Snow Leopard Day 2016

23 October 2016 was International Snow Leopard Day, which is dedicated to raising awareness for the plight of this iconic species. The Snow Leopard (Panthera uncia) inhabits mountain terrains of twelve Range States in Central and South Asia. With between 4,500 and 6,000 animals remaining in the wild today, Snow Leopards are one of the most endangered big cats in the world.

19 October 2016

Opinion: Spectre of Extinction Haunts the Ghost of the Mountains

Its silvery coat, spectral appearance and elusive nature have earned the Snow Leopard the pseudonym “the Ghost of the Mountains”. Its numbers are precariously low but concerted international efforts are under way to prevent the species’ extinction.

18 October 2016

Monaco - Champion of Marine Species Conservation – the First Fruits

At the ceremony where the Migratory Species Champion Programme was launched on the eve of the CMS COP11 in Quito in 2014, the Government of the Principality of Monaco received the Champion award for its commitment to the conservation of marine species for the triennium 2015-2017.

14 October 2016