Marine mammals

New Report Released on the Palau Dugong dugon Awareness Campaign 2010-2011

Following on from the Pacific Year of the Dugong in 2011, a new report on activities which took place during Palau’s Dugong dugon Awareness Campaign 2010-2011 has been released.

13 March 2012

The Dugong, Seagrass & Coastal Communities Initiative Launched at the S.O.S. “Save Our Sirenians” Event

A programme to improve livelihoods and create economic opportunity in exchange for the conservation of dugongs and their seagrass habitat was officially launched in Abu Dhabi today.

27 February 2012

Dugong Profile for Pacific Range States Available Online

The Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) has published a booklet “Dugongs – respect and protect: dugong profile for range states in the Pacific Islands”. It gives an overview of the six dugong range states (Australia, New Caledonia, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu) in the Pacific region and the measures they have in place to conserve and protect the dugongs.

16 February 2012

Sri Lanka Becomes the 21st Country to Sign the UNEP/CMS Dugong MOU

Sri Lanka has pledged its support to the long-term survival of the dugongs and the protection of their critical seagrass habitats by becoming a signatory state to the dugong MoU

31 January 2012

Dugongs, Conservation and the Endless Possibilities for the Future

British marine biologist Dr Nicholas Pilcher wowed his audience at an illuminating presentation on dugongs, conservation, reflections on the past and the possibilities for the future.

12 January 2012

Dugong Session at the WIOMSA Symposium

In association with the 7th WIOMSA Scientific Symposium in Mombasa, Kenya, the UNEP/CMS Dugong MOU Secretariat organized a special session on progressing dugong conservation in the South West Indian Ocean sub-region, on Friday 28 October 2011.

05 December 2011

Dugong conservation gets support

Abu Dhabi, 20 November 2011 - The Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi (EAD) and Total United Arab Emirates (Total UAE) organised a ceremony marking the ex
20 November 2011

Saving Endangered Dugongs of the Western Indian Ocean

New website describes local efforts to conserve what is thought is the last viable dugong population in the Western Indian Ocean.

15 September 2011

SEA Dugong Meeting and Workshop Successful in Sarawak

The UNEP/CMS South East Asia Sub-Regional Meeting on Dugongs and Workshop on Developing Standardised Analysis Protocols for Dugong Questionnaire Survey Project Data for South East Asia Region was held on 27-29 July in Lawas, Sarawak, Malaysia. The meeting was a big success as for the first time representatives from Singapore and Timor Leste attended an international dugong meeting, and this was also the first time for Japan to attend since 2005.

10 August 2011

International Workshop on Dugong Begins in Sarawak

Lawas, 27 July 2011 – A three-day Southeast Asia regional workshop on the dugong, a protected species under the Sarawak Wildlife Protection Ordinance
27 July 2011