Country | Status | Year of Signature | CMS Party number | Region |
Australia | MOU Signatory | 2007 | 037 | Oceania |
Bahrain | MOU Signatory | 2010 | 133 | Asia |
Bangladesh | MOU Signatory | 2013 | 095 | Asia |
Brunei Darussalam | Range State | Asia | ||
Cambodia | Range State | Asia | ||
China | Range State | AM | Asia | |
Comoros | MOU Signatory | 2008 | AM | Africa |
Djibouti | Range State | 087 | Africa | |
Egypt | MOU Signatory | 2013 | 001 | Africa |
Eritrea | MOU Signatory | 2007 | 089 | Africa |
France | MOU Signatory | 2007 | 032 | Europe |
India | MOU Signatory | 2008 | 001 | Asia |
Indonesia | Range State | AM | Oceania | |
Iran | Range State | 106 | Asia | |
Iraq | Range State | 124 | Asia | |
Israel | Range State | 001 | Europe | |
Japan | Range State | Asia | ||
Jordan | Range State | 072 | Asia | |
Kenya | MOU Signatory | 2008 | 058 | Africa |
Kuwait | Range State | Asia | ||
Madagascar | MOU Signatory | 2007 | 101 | Africa |
Malaysia | Range State | AM | Asia | |
Maldives | Range State | 131 | Asia | |
Mauritius | Range State | 086 | Africa | |
Mayotte (France) | MOU Signatory | 32 | Indian Ocean | |
Mozambique | MOU Signatory | 2011 | 112 | Africa |
Myanmar | MOU Signatory | 2007 | AM | Asia |
New Caledonia (France) | MOU Signatory | 32 | South Pacific | |
Oman | Range State | AM | Asia | |
Pakistan | Range State | 025 | Asia | |
Palau | MOU Signatory | 2010 | 107 | Oceania |
Papua New Guinea | MOU Signatory | 2010 | AM | Oceania |
Philippines | MOU Signatory | 2008 | 043 | Oceania |
Qatar | Range State | Asia | ||
Saudi Arabia | MOU Signatory | 2013 | 036 | Asia |
Seychelles | MOU Signatory | 2010 | 092 | Africa |
Singapore | Range State | Asia | ||
Solomon Islands | MOU Signatory | 2010 | AM | Oceania |
Somalia | MOU Signatory | 2013 | 020 | Africa |
Sri Lanka | MOU Signatory | 2012 | 033 | Asia |
Sudan | MOU Signatory | 2013 | AM | Africa |
Thailand | MOU Signatory | 2011 | AM | Asia |
Timor-Leste | MOU Signatory | 2018 | Oceania | |
United Arab Emirates | MOU Signatory | 2007 | 123 | Asia |
United Republic of Tanzania | MOU Signatory | 2007 | 059 | Africa |
Vanuatu | MOU Signatory | 2010 | AM | Oceania |
Viet Nam | Range State | AM | Asia | |
Yemen | MOU Signatory | 2010 | 100 | Asia |
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The designations employed and the presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country,territory, city or any area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.