Other meetings

Title Start date Country CMS Instrument
The First Asian Regional Dialogue on Seagrass and Dugong Conservation: From Gaps to Impactful Action 20.02.2025 Thailand CMS, Dugong
Regional Workshop on Dugongs in the Arabian Gulf 02.05.2023 United Arab Emirates Dugong
WIOMSA 12th Scientific Symposium: Progressing Dugong & Seagrass Conservation in the Western Indian Ocean 14.10.2022 South Africa Dugong
Seagrass and Dugong Technical Workshop 15.03.2017 United Arab Emirates Dugong
Regional capacity building workshop to support progress on the implementation of the Regional Observer Scheme of IOTC (Resolution 11/04): Oman, I.R. Iran and Pakistan 18.10.2015 Oman ACAP, CMS, Dugong, IOSEA Marine Turtles
GEF International Workshop (Dugong and Seagrass Conservation Project) 21.02.2013 Philippines Dugong
UNEP/CMS Southeast Asia Regional Meeting on Dugongs and Workshop on Developing Standardised Analysis Protocols for Dugong Questionnaire Survey Project Data for South East Asia Region 26.07.2011 Malaysia Dugong
First South Asia Sub-Regional Workshop on the Conservation and Management of Dugongs 06.06.2011 India Dugong
West Indian Ocean (WIO) Dugong Range States Preparatory Meeting to the First Signatory State Meeting 03.10.2010 United Arab Emirates Dugong
Regional Meeting for the Conservation of the Dugong and Marine Turtles in the North West Indian Ocean 20.09.2010 United Arab Emirates Dugong
First Technical Meeting for the Conservation of the Dugong and its Habitat in the South West Indian Ocean 04.08.2010 Madagascar Dugong
Workshop on Conservation of Marine Turtles and Dugongs: Shared Synergies and Opportunities 26.04.2010 India Dugong
Dugong Workshop for the Pacific Islands Dugong Range States 11.04.2010 Australia Dugong
Workshop on Developing a Standardised Interview Method for Rapid Dugong Population and Threat Assessment 03.03.2010 Singapore Dugong
Third Meeting on Dugong Conservation and Management 28.10.2007 United Arab Emirates Dugong
Second Meeting on Dugong Conservation and Management 15.05.2006 Thailand Dugong
First Meeting on Dugong Conservation in the Indian Ocean and South-east Asia Region 23.08.2005 Thailand Dugong