4th Meeting of the Northern Indian Ocean Marine Turtle Task Force (NIO-MTTF)

The location on the map is approximate!

The 4th Meeting of the Northern Indian Ocean Marine Turtle Task Force (NIO-MTTF) will be hosted in Baa Atoll by the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Technology of the Government of the Maldives from 7-9 March 2023.

Discussions will build upon those at the third NIO-MTTF meeting held in 2021 (report available here).

We are pleased to confirm that funding is available for the travel of eligible Task Force Members, as well as up to two AC Members and two additional Invited Experts. Travel and accommodation for sponsored delegates will be taken care of by our hosts. In order to enable them to proceed with arrangements promptly, please register for the meeting as soon as possible and no later than 15 February through this link: https://meetings.cms.int/meetings/NIO-MTTF4/registration.

The meeting is open for participation by observers, including governmental observers. Please note that observers need to register for the meeting, too, but their attendance cannot be sponsored. We are planning to offer hybrid access to the meeting, and participants can indicate their plans in this regard in the registration form.

More details will be made available in due course to registered participants.

07 Mar 2023 to 09 Mar 2023
Instrument de la CMSIOSEA Marine Turtles
TypeWorking group
VilleBaa Atoll
LieuFour Seasons Landaa Giraavaru

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