
Informes Nacionales

Número del documento Título Publish date Instrumento de la CMS
Madagascar - National Report 2024 12.06.2024 IOSEA Marine Turtles
UNEP/CMS/DUGONG/MOS4/National Report/Madagascar Madagascar - National Report (Dugong MOU MOS4) 07.03.2024 Dugong
UNEP/CMS/COP14/NR.076 Madagascar - National Report COP14 29.08.2023 CMS
UNEP/CMS/RAPTORS/MOS3/National Report/Madagascar Madagascar - National Report (Raptors MOS3) 28.02.2023
CMS/Sharks/MOS4/National Report/Madagascar Madagascar - National Report (Sharks MOS4) 02.02.2023
UNEP/CMS/COP13/NR.074 Madagascar - Rapport National COP13 27.08.2019 CMS
UNEP/CMS/COP12/Inf.25.21 Madagascar - Rapport National COP12 23.04.2017 CMS
CMS/Dugong/MOS3/Inf.12.9 National Report - Madagascar 21.02.2017 Dugong
Madagascar National Report 2014 19.09.2014 IOSEA Marine Turtles
UNEP/CMS/COP11/Inf.20.3.MG Rapport national - Madagascar (COP11) 18.04.2014 CMS
Madagascar National Report 2011 11.01.2012 IOSEA Marine Turtles
UNEP/CMS/Inf.10.12.54 National Report of Madagascar (COP10) 20.05.2011 CMS

Ratification status

CMS InstrumentStatusStatus dateNotes
IOSEA Marine Turtles
MOU Signatory
MOU Signatory
MOU Signatory
MOU Signatory


Official nameRepublic of Madagascar
Party number101
Entry into forceJanuary 2007

Contenido relacionado

National Legislation

Título Publish date
Order No. 29212/2017 of 28 November 2017 fixing the products and by-products of fisheries and aquaculture of marine origin authorized to be collected 28.11.2017
Decree No. 2017-532 on the general organization of commercial activities and valorization of fishery and aquaculture products 01.01.2017
Ministerial Order No. 29211/2017 establishing the modalities for the transfer of management of fisheries resources and aquatic ecosystems 01.01.2017
Decree No. 2016-1352 of 08 November 2016 on the organization of activities for the preservation of fishery resources and aquatic ecosystems 08.11.2016
Decree No. 2016-128 of 23 February 2016 adopting Madagascar's National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans of Madagascar from 2015-2025 23.02.2016
Decree No. 2016-1492 on the general reorganization of maritime fishing activities 01.01.2016
Law No. 2015-005 on the revision of the Code of Management of Protected Areas 01.01.2015
Law No. 2015-053 on the Fishing and Aquaculture Code 01.01.2015
Law No. 2006-002 of 24 July 2006 authorizing the ratification of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals known as the Bonn Convention (Convention of Migratory Species or CMS) 24.07.2006
Decree No. 2006-400 of 13 June 2006 on the classification of wildlife species and its Annex (containing the list of species by category) 13.06.2006
Decree No. 2006-541 ratifying the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals known as the Bonn Convention (Convention of Migratory Species or CMS) 01.01.2006
Law No. 96-025 on the local management of renewable natural resources 01.01.1996
Decree No. 61-093 implementing Ordinance No. 60-126 of 3 October 1960 establishing the hunting, fishing and wildlife protection regime 01.01.1961
Order No. 327-MAP/FOR establishing the modalities of application of Article 14 of Order No. 60-126 of 3 October 1960 01.01.1961
Ordinance No. 60-126 establishing the hunting, fishing and wildlife protection regime 03.10.1960