Loxodonta africana

The African Elephant Fund Steering Committee launches the tenth round of call for proposals to the African Elephant Fund. The purpose of this call is to allow African Elephant Range States to seek emergency funding to address elephant conservation challenges related to COVID 19 and to support the implementation of the African Elephant Action Plan.

08 Jun 2020

The African Elephant Fund Secretariat has launched the ninth round of calls for proposals. The African Elephant Range States are encouraged to submit project proposals to the AEF Secretariat ([email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]) by midnight on 14 February 2020, East African Time (EAT).
Le Secrétariat du Fonds pour l'Eléphant d'Afrique a lancé la neuvième série d'appels à propositions. Les États de l'aire de répartition sont encouragés à soumettre des propositions de projets au Secrétariat de l'AEF ([email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]) avant minuit le 14 février 2020, heure de l'Afrique orientale (EAT).

20 Dec 2019

The 11th African Elephant Fund Steering Committee (AEFSC) meeting was held in Accra, Ghana from the 18-21 February 2019 and hosted by the Government of Ghana.

11 Mar 2019

World Wildlife Day, being celebrated on March 3 for the third time – this year under the slogan ‘The Future of Wildlife is in our hands’ – is focusing on the plight of African and Asian elephants, which are being slaughtered in their thousands for their tusks to supply the ivory trade. But other species, such as vultures, are also in serious decline because of human actions

02 Mar 2016

The United Nations General Assembly has adopted a Resolution recognizing that wild animals and plants are an irreplaceable part of the natural systems of the Earth and is urging the 193 Governments of UN Member States to deal decisively with both the supply and demand sides of the trade equation.

06 Aug 2015

Community representatives and wildlife officials met from 3-6 April and agreed urgently needed conservation measures for elephants contributing to the implementation of the CMS West African Elephant MOU, including the formal establishment of a new transboundary law enforcement mechanism at the village level.

15 Apr 2015
Common names
EnglishAfrican Elephant
FrenchEléphant D'Afrique
SpanishElefante africano
GermanAfrikanischer Elefant
Scientific name Loxodonta africana
Population per instrument
Instrument Population name
West African Elephants

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