
Projects in Southern Africa supported by the African Elephant Fund

The factsheet provides an overview of the projects in Southern Africa sub-region supported by the African Elephant Fund. 

05 March 2019

Projects in East Africa supported by the African Elephant Fund

The factsheet provides an overview of the projects in East Africa supported by the African Elephant Fund. 

05 March 2019

Projects in Central Africa supported by the African Elephant Fund

The factsheet provides an overview of the projects in Central Africa sub-region supported by the African Elephant Fund. 

05 March 2019

African Elephant Fund

The factsheet provides an overview of the African Elephant Fund. 

05 March 2019

The Guidelines for the Conservation of the Lion in Africa (GCLA)

The Guidelines for the Conservation of the Lion in Africa (GCLA) contribute to implementing CITES Conference of the Parties Decision 17.241 and CMS Conference of the Parties Decision 12.67 on the conservation of Panthera leo in Africa. The lion is included in Appendix II of both Conventions, and is listed as Vulnerable in the IUCN Red List.

09 March 2023

Global Dugong Genetics Project

The Global Dugong Genetics Project aims to examine the phylogeography of the dugong based on historical samples from throughout the dugong’s range. It will update conservation and management actions through mapping the distribution of discrete dugong populations; identifying historical and potential migratory routes; and highlighting small populations as a priority for conservation. The Project was a collaboration between James Cook University and Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University.

04 May 2021

Dugong and Seagrass Research Toolkit

The Dugong and Seagrass Research Toolkit is an initiative by TOTAL, Total Abu Al Bukhoosh, Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi and CMS Dugong MOU to provide an easily accessible online resource that incorporates decision-making for the selection of the most appropriate methodologies for studies of dugongs, seagrasses and the associated human communities.

16 July 2018

Metals in Blood and Eggs of Green Sea Turtles (Chelonia mydas) from Nesting Colonies of the Northern Coast of the Sea of Oman

The green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) has been a species of global concern for decades. In this study, heavy metals (mercury: Hg; Cadmium: Cd; Lead: Pb; Copper: Cu; and Zinc: Zn) were measured in blood and three egg fraction of green sea turtles nesting on the northern coast of Sea of Oman. Heavy metals concentrations in blood, yolk, albumen, and egg shell ranged between 0.16–36.78, 0.006–33.88, 0.003–4.02, and 0.002–6.85 μg/g (ww), respectively.

14 September 2018

Spatial Distribution and Residency of Green and Loggerhead Sea Turtles Using Coastal Reef Habitats in Southern Mozambique

Sea turtles spend the majority of their immature and adult lives in foraging grounds, yet few studies have examined their abundance and condition in these areas when compared to more accessible nesting beach habitats. Here, a 5-year dive log, photo-identification (photo-ID) and surface encounter datasets were used to investigate the abundance, individual movements and distribution of sea turtles along 40 km of coastal reefs in southern Mozambique. A generalized linear model (GLM) was constructed with turtle sightings as the response variable.

07 September 2020