The Blue Swallow is an intra-African migrant that breeds in the Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe.The Eastern Highlands consist of a 260km long highland stretching north to south. The species is distributed southwards from the Nyanga Highlands to the Chimanimani Mountains, though its southernmost range of the species is not known. Several mountain peaks along the chain exceed 2000m. Rainfall received in the area can be as much as 3000mm per year. The Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe are a unique area and the conditions are not replicated anywhere else in the country.
The species is dependent on the wet montane grasslands found only in the Eastern Highlands of the country. Many other endemic plants and animals are found in association with the montane grasslands. There are two endemic and near endemic species of frogs, and at least nine endemic or near-endemic butterfly species that occur in the montane grasslands and shrublands of the Eastern Highlands. The area is also home to many endemic plants and reptiles.
The Blue Swallow is Vulnerable according to the IUCN criteria.This status has not changed in twenty years and yet so many changes have taken place in the habitat. One of the reasons could be because not enough data exists to make any changes to this status. Currently,the global Blue Swallow population is estimated to be around 4000 pairs. The Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe are thought to support a quarter of the breeding the population, making it one of the most significant areas for the survival of Blue Swallows. Important Bird Areas (IBA)s are areas that support globally threatened birds, restricted range species, biome restricted species and congregations of either terrestrial or waterbirds. Zimbabwe has a total of twenty IBAs. Six areas where designated as Important Bird Areas in Zimbabwe because of presence of Blue Swallows. These IBAs are also key areas for other biodiversity, in addition to the birds.
The major threat to Blue Swallows is the reduction of its habitat, mainly due to anthropogenic factors. The montane grasslands are suitable for potato farming, deciduous fruits and tree plantations. Invasive plant species, especially Wattle, Acacia mearnsii and Pine, Pinus patula have spread in this important habitat. Conservation of the montane grassland goes a long way in looking after the unique biodiversity of the area. Conserving the breeding ground of this threatened bird would ensure the continued survival of this species and other biodiversity. It is important to establish the Blue Swallow population utilising the entire Montane Grassland habitat of the eastern Highlands to necessitate the measurement of any impact of future conservation efforts. In the current BirdLife Zimbabwe strategy (2009-2014), one of the goals is to 'Improve the conservation status of birds with emphasis on threatened birds'.
The Blue Swallow is high on the priority list for BirdLife Zimbabwe. The organisation seeks to conserve birds for their intrinsic value and for future generations to enjoy them. After all birds are important indicators of the health of the environment. Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority is the custodian of all wildlife in the country.The Authority has a mandate to manage all willdlife whether on communal or private land, as well as their estates. The Blue Swallow population in Zimbabwe has managed to survive mainly because some of its habitat lies within Parks jurisdiction. These areas include Rhodes Nyanga National Park, Chimanimani National Park and Vumba Botanical Gardens and Reserve. These areas have been managed and protected to conserve the unique flora and fauna in these areas. Hence it is important to ZPWMA to continue with conservation of threatened wildlife.