CMS Pre-COP11 Workshop and Training for the NFP Manual in the Pacific Region
Please go to to register for the workshop.
You can find the agenda for the meeting here or under "Meeting Documents" below
The Final Draft of the Strategic Plan for MIgratory Species 2015-2023 (SPMS) - Update 15 August!
The final draft of the Plan to be presented to COP11 has just be published. The Draft Plan can be accessed here.
The Second Draft of the Strategic Plan for Migratory Species 2015-2023 (SPMS)
The Strategic Plan Working Group developed the Second Draft Strategic Plan for Migratory Species for the period 2015-2023 (SPMS) and released it for comments in March 2014.
The Second Draft Plan builds on comments received from CMS Parties, partners and Scientific Councillors in the first round of consultations in 2013. It presents the proposed Goals and Targets for migratory species, based on the Aichi Biodiversity Targets in the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, adapted for migratory species purposes. It also contains supporting chapters such as on implementation.
The Plan is for migratory species as defined by the Convention. It will serve as a guiding framework for all work relating to the conservation of migratory species and support the entire CMS Family of instruments. The Working Group has requested the CMS Family instruments to develop detailed sub-targets for the Plan, for the species for which each instrument is responsible.
The Draft Plan was emailed to all Scientific Councillors and placed on the Council’s on-line workspace, with comments requested by 30 May 2014 in time to be compiled prior to the Council’s 18th meeting.
Options for a New Structure of the Scientific Council
Resolution 10.9 on Future Structure and Strategies for CMS and the CMS Family recommended Activity 7 on “Restructuring of the Scientific Council to maximize expertise and knowledge capacity”. The draft paper was produced which aimed at providing background information and general considerations relevant to the process of revising the structure and the working practices of the Scientific Council, and offered some possible scenarios for a revision of the structure as a basis for discussion.
The draft report was submitted to the 18th meeting of the Scientific Council for review.
Concerted and Cooperative Actions
Resolution 10.23 made a series of recommendation to the Scientific Council and the Secretariat for improving the process for concerted and cooperative actions under CMS. This document summarizes action already undertaken to implement some of those recommendations, and suggests action towards the further implementation of the Resolution 10.23 mandate.
The document includes a draft Resolution on concerted and cooperative action submitted to the 18th meeting of the Scientific Council for review before its submission to COP11 for its consideration.
Proposals to Amend the Appendcies of the Convention
This document summarizes proposals for the amendment of CMS Appendices submitted for consideration by the 11th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP11). The full text of all of the supporting statements is made available to the 18th Meeting of the Scientific Council as separate documents. The Scientific Council is expected to:
(a) Review the proposals for amendments to the Appendices;
(b) Formulate advice to COP11 as regards the approval or rejection of the proposals; and
(c) Provide advice to the Parties on the scientific merit of proposals with a view to their consideration by COP11, as appropriate.
Programme of Work on Climate Change and Migratory Species
The document includes a draft resolution and the Programme of Work on Climate Change and Migratory Species annexed to the resolution. It emanates from Resolution 10.19 on Migratory Species Conservation in the Light of Climate Change that established the position of a COP-appointed Councillor for Climate Change and requested the Councillor to prepare a Programme of Work on Climate Change and Migratory Species.
The effects of climate change on migratory species and the identification of adaptation measures are part of the Scientific Council Work Programme, the Strategic Plan 2006-2014 and the upcoming Strategic Plan for Migratory Species 2015-2023.
Review of the Applciation of Ecological Networks to CMS
Following the adoption of Resolution 10.3 on the Role of Ecological Networks, a draft strategic review and a set of draft case studies assessing the relevance of ecological networks to migratory species have been prepared inter-sessionally. In connection with this, the Global Ocean Biodiversity Initiative (GOBI) has initiated a review of the Convention on Biological Diversity’s process on Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas (EBSA) with respect to marine migratory species. The aim is to determine how these have been factored into the scientific description of EBSAs and whether EBSAs could contribute to the conservation of migratory species in marine areas within and beyond the limits of national jurisdiction, particularly with respect to ecological networks and connectivity.
The 18th Meeting of the Scientific Council considered the preliminary documents, as well as oral presentations on the strategic review on ecological networks and the GOBI EBSA and marine migratory species review as a basis for the 11th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP11) to advance the Convention’s work with respect to ecological networks and migratory species.
Management of Marine Debris
The Executive Summaries containing the key findings and recommendations of the three reviews are annexed to this document (Annexes 2, 3 and 4). A draft resolution developed on the basis of these recommendations is included as Annex 1 to this document.
Sustainable Boat-based Wildilfe Watching Tourism
In order to realize the potential benefits of wildlife watching tourism and to minimize risks, it is important that it is conducted sustainably and is well-managed
The document includes a draft resolution provides guidance to Parties on elements that national legislation or regulations should contain in order to protect migratory marine species that are affected by such operations.
Programme of Work on Migratory Birds and Flyways
Pursuant to Resolution 10.10 on Flyways, this document includes a cover note, a draft resolution, a Programme of Work on Migratory Birds and Flyways and a Flyways for the Americas Conservation Framework. These documents have been discussed during a CMS/WHMSI workshop that took place in Jamaica in March 2014 and subsequent meetings held in Washington DC and Bonn.
The ongoing CMS work on flyways is part of the Scientific Council Work Programme, the Strategic Plan 2006-2014 and the upcoming Strategic Plan for Migratory Species 2015-2023.
Review of the Impact of Invasive Alien Species on Species under the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS)
The “Review of the Impact of Invasive Alien Species on Species under the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS)”, an executive summary of the Review and a draft Resolution on “Future CMS Activities related to Invasive Alien Species” as requested by a recommendation (ScC17.11) of the 17th Meeting of the Scientific Council and endorsed by COP10. These documents are also in line with the Strategic Plan 2006- 2014, and specifically with Target 2.6, which foresees actions to mitigate the threats to migratory species posed by invasive species.
Draft Resolution on the Conservation of Migratory Sharks and Rays
The document is available here.
Other COP11 Documents
Here are links to the following COP documents: Budget Scenarios (2015-17); and Developement of Agreements; See also the section "Proposals for amendment of CMS Appendices" on the COP11 pages of the website for details of the proposals.
Dates | 18 Aug 2014 to 20 Aug 2014 |
Organisateur | UNEP/CMS Secretariat |
Coorganizer | SPREP |
Instrument de la CMS | CMS |
Type | Workshop |
Status | Concluded |
Langues | English |
Pays | Fiji |
Ville | Nadi |
Lieu | Hotel Tanoa International ( |
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UNEP/CMS/Raptors/MOS2/Inf.16 | Résolution 11.2 de la CMS: Plan stratégique pour les espèces migratrices 2015-2023 |
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Information for Participants |