Dugong Workshop for the Pacific Islands Dugong Range States

The location on the map is approximate!

The Dugong Workshop for the Pacific Islands Dugong Range States, held on 11-12 April 2010 in Brisbane, Australia.

The overall objective of the Workshop was to introduce the UNEP/CMS Standardised Dugong Catch/Bycatch Questionnaire and the overall project design for dugong conservation in the Pacific Islands region.

Workshop Main Objectives were to: 

  • Build capacity in using standardized methodologies, in particular the Standardised Dugong Catch/Bycatch Questionnaire, utilized in dugong surveys (questionnaire-based)
  • Refine survey methodology to suit conditions and circumstances existing in the Pacific Islands
  • Document status of dugong conservation work in SPREP dugong range states and in relation to the regional dugong action plan 2008-2012
  • Identify priority issues concerning dugong work and conservation in the region (including identification of skills required by relevant government authorities and local communities for improving capacity for dugong management)
  • Understand the value and significance of the UNEP/CMS Dugong MoU
Workshop Outcomes: 
All five objectives of the workshop were met and participants agreed on participation in the conduct of national dugong surveys utilizing the questionnaire developed by the CMS Office
– Abu Dhabi. Participants also agreed on the timelines of the project with respect to the conduct of the surveys and reporting.
11 Apr 2010 to 12 Apr 2010
OrganisateurThe Dugong MoU Secretariat (CMS Office - Abu Dhabi, UAE)
CoorganizerSPREP (Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme)
Instrument de la CMSDugong
LieuGHD meeting room, Level 1 Charlotte St.