Regional Workshop on Preventing Poisoning of Migratory Birds

The location on the map is approximate!


The Secretariats of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (UNEP/CMS) and African Eurasian Waterbird Agreement (UNEP/AEWA) and the Coordinating Unit of the MOU on the Conservation of Migratory Birds of Prey in Africa and Eurasia (Raptors MoU) are jointly organizing a Regional Workshop on Preventing Poisoning of Migratory Birds, which will take place on 24 August 2015 in Cape Town at the kind invitation of the Government of South Africa. It is followed by the AEWA African Preparatory Meeting for the 6th Session of the Meeting of the Parties (Pre-MOP6).

The purpose of the workshop is to develop and adopt a regional implementation plan for the CMS Guidelines to Prevent the Risk of Poisoning to Migratory Birds covering the Southern African region.

The one-day workshop specifically responds to CMS Resolution 11.15 which adopted the Guidelines and requested the establishment of task groups, in the context of the CMS Preventing Poisoning Working Group, addressing either thematic issues (e.g. for different poison types) and/or geographical regions to progress its work and organize regional workshops in high risk areas/flyways to promote the implementation of the Guidelines.

The workshop involves National focal Points of countries in Southern Africa for the three agreements, representatives from the Ministries of Agriculture, or equivalent authorities, and key experts from the Working Group.

The organization of the workshop as well as the AEWA Pre-MOP6 is made possible thanks to funding in the framework of the Thematic Programme for Environment and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources including Energy (ENRTP) Strategic Cooperation Agreement (SCA) between the European Commission - DG Environment and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

Background papers and information:

CMS Resolution 11.15 on Preventing Poisoning of Migratory Birds

Guidelines to Prevent the Risk of Poisoning to Migratory Birds

Review of the Ecological Effects of Poisoning on Migratory Species

CMS Preventing Poisoning Working Group



24 Aug 2015
Instrument de la CMSAEWA, Oiseaux de Proie (Rapaces), CMS
PaysSouth Africa
VilleCape Town
LieuAfrican Pride Crystal Towers Hotel and Conference Centre