The Global Environment Facility (GEF) approved a project to develop a wetland site and flyway network to conserve the Siberian Crane and other migratory waterbirds in Asia. The project was proposed by ICF and CMS. GEF contributed a total of US$10 million over a six-year period. An additional US$12.7 in co-financing was committed.
The project was carried out by ICF, under the aegis of the United Nations Environment Programme as well as in cooperation with CMS, and the Governments of China, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation.
It focused specifically on conserving the international network of wetlands upon which the Siberian Crane depends, together with a wide range of other wetlands biodiversity. The results of this project provided a basis to expand the wetland site networks and more widely applied the approaches that had been developed in each participating country.
Information on the project can be found under "Projects" and on the Siberian Crane Wetland Project site: http://www.scwp.info.