Guidelines for the Preparation of Site Nomination Documents (as to December 2012)     [PDF 524 KB]

Criteria and qualifiers for site selection (excerpt from Guidelines)   [PDF 80 KB]

Proceedure for Listing Sites (excerpt from Guidelines)   [Word 31KB]

Annex 1. List of designated and proposed sites (as to June 2010)    [PDF 72 KB]

Annex 2. Site Information Sheet (template)   [PDF 130 KB]    [Word 33 KB]

Explanatory notes for the Site Information Sheet     [PDF 74 KB]


Administrative Mechanism

Annex 3. Sample Nomination Letter    [PDF 74 KB]      [Word 28KB ]

Annex 4. Sample Endorsement Letter    [PDF 74 KB]      [Word 29 KB]

Annex 5. WCASN Review Working Group (RWG): Terms of Reference   [PDF 72 KB]

Annex 6. WCASN Committee: Terms of Reference     [PDF 72 KB]

Annex 7. Suggested Proceedure for Network Site Dedication Ceremony    [PDF 89 KB]


WCASN Certificate     [PDF 166 KB]