The Signatories meet regularly in order to review the Conservation Plans and agree on priority activities for the implementation of the MOU. The proceedings of the meetings with detailed information about the conservation status of the Siberian Crane and the Conservation Plans for its three main populations have been published as part of the CMS Technical Series and are available under “Publications”.
The International Crane Foundation (ICF) is a CMS partner organization that provides the technical coordination of the MOU through the position of the Siberian Crane Flyway Coordinator, which is co-funded by CMS.
There are signs that the work under the MOU is continuing to show results: important new information about critical sites and Siberian Crane sightings has been gathered, recovery efforts are better co-coordinated and the remaining Western/Central Asian populations are managing to maintain low, but stable numbers.
Cranes and Waterbirds Migration Briefs May 2016
Cranes and Waterbirds Migration Briefs June 2016