
Publication Editeur Type Date de publication
Sharks of the Arabian Seas: an Identification Guide IFAW
Fact Sheet- Great White Shark Fact Sheet
Sawfish Handling & Release Guidelines NOAA Fisheries
Fact Sheet- Hammerhead Shark Fact Sheet
Angelshark Action Plan for the Canary Islands 2016
Fact Sheet- Mako Shark Fact Sheet
Safe Release Guidelines for Sharks and Rays Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission
Fact Sheet- Porbeagle Fact Sheet
Rapid Assessment Toolkit for Sharks and Rays WWF, CSTFA
Fact Sheet- Sawfishes Fact Sheet
Diving with Whale Sharks: Code of Conduct
Fact Sheet- Spiny Dogfish Fact Sheet
Whale Shark Interaction Guidelines The Shark Trust, WWF Phillipines
Fact Sheet- Thresher Shark Fact Sheet
How to Swim with Manta Rays
Responsible Shark and Ray Tourism: A Guide to Best Practice
Fact Sheet- Silky Shark Fact Sheet
A Study of the Social Interactions of Manta Rays in the Baa Atoll, Maldives Manta Trust
Fact Sheet- Basking Shark Fact Sheet
Does Tourist Behaviour Affect Reef Manta Ray Feeding Behaviour? An Analysis of Human and Manta Alfredi Interactions in Baa Atoll, the Maldives Manta Trust, University of York
Elasmobranch Tourism Factsheets - Maldives Manta Trust, Project AWARE, WWF
Elasmobranch Tourism Factsheets - Shark Reef Marine Reserve Manta Trust, Project AWARE and WWF
Mobula Ray Identification Guide for Fisheries Observers NOOA
Manta Ray (Manta alfredi) Tourism in Baa Atoll, Republic of Maldives: Human Interactions, Behavioural Impacts and Management Implications Guy Stevens
Elasmobranch Tourism Factsheets - Threshers and Monad Shoal Manta Trust, Project AWARE and WWF