1st Meeting of the Working Group on the Implementation of the Single Species Action Plan for the Angelshark in the Mediterranean Sea

The location on the map is approximate!

photo credits: Michael Sealey



The 1st Meeting of the Working Group on the Implementation of the Single Species Action Plan for the Angelshark in the Mediterranean Sea (Angelshark WG1) is scheduled to take place on 29–30 April 2025 at the Secretariat’s premises:

Bonn, UN-Campus

Altes Abgeordnetenhochhaus (AHH)

Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1

53113 Bonn, Germany

The meeting will discuss institutional matters, establish a governance structure to support the implementation of the SSAP, agree funding and coordination arrangements, set up a reporting mechanism, and review the Annexes of the SSAP.

All meeting documents will be provided in English only and will be uploaded to this website as they become available.

The meeting will be conducted in English and is open to representatives of Range States, specifically the members of the Angelshark Working Group, invited experts, observers from non-Range State Parties, relevant Intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental organizations, subject to the availability of space.

Participants are kindly invited to register by 15 March 2025 at: Registration link

Each Range State may nominate up to two representatives (Governmental Focal Point and Technical Focal Point). A limited number of funded delegates and experts from non-governmental organizations may receive travel support. Priority will be given to members of the Working Group established by the Secretariat.

Range States are also invited to submit a brief report on the implementation of relevant activities using the attached reporting format by 1 April 2025.

This meeting aligns with Decisions 14.101 – 14.105 on the Single Species Action Plan for the Angelshark (Squatina squatina) in the Mediterranean Sea.

29 Apr 2025 09:00 to 30 Apr 2025 18:00
Registration Deadline15.03.2025
OrganisateurCMS Secretariat
Instrument de la CMSRequins
TypeRange States Meeting
LieuUN Campus, Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1, 53113 Bonn, AHH Building