First South Asia Sub-Regional Workshop on the Conservation and Management of Dugongs

The location on the map is approximate!

The First South Asia Sub-regional Workshop of UNEP/CMS Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation and Management of Dugongs and their Habitats throughout their Range in South Asia, held in Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu, India, on 6-7 June 2011. 

Workshop Main Objectives were to: 

  • Bring South-Asian Range States together to develop a focused conservation approach of dugongs
  • Highlight the involvement of local communities in the conservation of dugongs 
  • Encouraging the Governments of Bagladesj, Pakistan and Sri Lanka to sign the Dugong MoU


Workshop Main Outcomes

  • Agreement to the development and delivery of a practical and resource-efficient strategy to collaborate in, and implement regional conservation and management initiatives for the conservation of dugongs and their habitats
  • Communication among participating countries and organisations, including UNEP/CMS enhanced so that issues, opportunities and management interventions related to the transboundary conservation of dugongs and their habitats can be addressed in a collaborative, effective and timely manner
  • With guidance from UNEP/CMS, financial and technological resources to support the implementation of the Workshop's outcomes individually and collectively identified
06 Jun 2011 to 07 Jun 2011
OrganizadorThe Ministry of Environment and Forests (India)
CoorganizerThe Dugong MoU Secretariat (CMS Office - Abu Dhabi, UAE) and the Wildlife Institute of India
Instrumento de la CMSDugong
CiudadTuticorin, Tamil Nadu