Fact Sheet- Porbeagle |
Fact Sheet |
Rapid Assessment Toolkit for Sharks and Rays |
Fact Sheet- Sawfishes |
Fact Sheet |
Diving with Whale Sharks: Code of Conduct |
Fact Sheet- Spiny Dogfish |
Fact Sheet |
Whale Shark Interaction Guidelines |
The Shark Trust, WWF Phillipines |
Fact Sheet- Thresher Shark |
Fact Sheet |
How to Swim with Manta Rays |
Responsible Shark and Ray Tourism: A Guide to Best Practice |
Fact Sheet- Silky Shark |
Fact Sheet |
A Study of the Social Interactions of Manta Rays in the Baa Atoll, Maldives |
Manta Trust |
Fact Sheet- Basking Shark |
Fact Sheet |
Does Tourist Behaviour Affect Reef Manta Ray Feeding Behaviour? An Analysis of Human and Manta Alfredi Interactions in Baa Atoll, the Maldives |
Manta Trust, University of York |
Elasmobranch Tourism Factsheets - Maldives |
Manta Trust, Project AWARE, WWF |
Elasmobranch Tourism Factsheets - Shark Reef Marine Reserve |
Manta Trust, Project AWARE and WWF |
Mobula Ray Identification Guide for Fisheries Observers |
Manta Ray (Manta alfredi) Tourism in Baa Atoll, Republic of Maldives: Human Interactions, Behavioural Impacts and Management Implications |
Guy Stevens |
Elasmobranch Tourism Factsheets - Threshers and Monad Shoal |
Manta Trust, Project AWARE and WWF |
A Video Guide to Sustainable Manta Interactions |
Manta Trus |
Field Identification Guide of the Prebranchial Appendages (Gill Plates) of Mobulid Rays for Law Enforcement and Trade Monitoring Applications |
Manta Trust |
The Impacts of Tourism on a Population of Manta Rays, Baa Atoll, Republic of Maldives |
Guy Stevens |
Sharks Ahead: Realizing the Potential of the Convention on Migratory Species to Conserve Elasmobranchs |
Shark Advocates International, The Ocean Foundation |
Prohibited Shark Identification for the Fisheries of the U.S. Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean |
NOAA Fisheries |
Careful Catch and Release |
NOOA Fisheries |
Rapid Assessment Toolkit for Sharks and Rays |