Meeting of Signatories (MOS)
The Meeting of Signatories (MOS) is the decision-making body of the Memorandum of Understanding and reviews the conservation status of migratory sharks and the implementation of the MOU and Conservation Plan.
This MOU is open for signature by the Range States and regional economic integration organizations of the shark species listed in Annex 1 of the MOU text.
Range States are defined as any State that exercises jurisdiction over any part of the range of migratory sharks, or a State, flag vessels of which are engaged outside its national jurisdictional limits in taking, or which have the potential to take, migratory sharks.
The First Meeting of Signatories (MOS1) has taken place in Bonn, Germany, 24-27 September, 2012.
The Second Meeting of Signatories (MOS2) is scheduled to take place on 15 -19 February, 2016.
Advisory Committee
An Advisory Committee was established at the First Meeting of Signatories, September 2012. The tasks of the Committee include:
- Providing expert advice and making recommendations including suggestions on new initiatives and on the implementation of the MoU to the Secretariat and the Signatories
- Analyzing scientific assessments and making recommendations on the conservation status of shark populations listed in Annex I
- Preparing a report on its activities for each advisory session of the Meeting of Signatories
- Recommending to the Secretariat the convening of an urgent session of the Meeting of Signatories in view of emergencies which may arise
The members of the Committee are appointed as representatives of the Regions by the Signatories from each Region. Annex II sets out the Regions and the number of representatives for each Region (Africa: 2; Asia: 2; North America: 1; Europe: 2; Oceania: 1; South, Central America & the Caribbean: 2).
Terms of Reference for the Advisory Committee
Appointed Advisory Committee members from October 2013 (last updated May 2015):
AC member | Region | Contact |
John Carlson (Chair) |
North America | john.carlson[at] |
James Ellis (Vice Chair) |
Europe | jim.ellis[at] |
Marino Vacchi | Europe | |
Enzo Acuña |
South, Central America & the Caribbean |
eacuna[at] |
Mario Espinoza |
South, Central America & the Caribbean | |
Boaz Kaunda-Arara |
Africa | b_kaunda[at] |
Mika Samba Diop | Africa | |
Lesley Gidding |
Oceania |
The Secretariat of the Sharks MOU is provided by the CMS Convention Secretariat in Bonn, Germany. Main tasks of the Secretariat are to coordinate all activities under the MOU and to organise meetings of the Signatories. Furthermore, it consults and shares information with Signatory States, IGOs and NGOs, including FAO, relevant RFMOs, CITES, CBD, Regional Seas Conventions, stakeholders of the fishing industry, local communities, and other relevant international organizations to assist in the implementation of this MoU. It also supports Signatories in search of financial resources to implement this agreement and encourage non-Signatory Range States to sign the Memorandum or to cooperate in its activities. Furthermore, the Interim Secretariat undertakes public awareness-raising activities.
UNEP / CMS Secretariat
United Nations Premises
Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1
53113 Bonn, Germany
Tel. (+49 228) 815 2401
Fax. (+49 228) 815 2449
Name |
Function |
Photo |
Ms. Melanie Virtue |
Agreements Officer |
Ms. Andrea Pauly |
Associate Programme Officer |
Ms. Tine Lindberg-Roncari |
Meeting Services Assistant |
Ms. Eva Meyers |
Consultant |