
Signes d’espoir pour l’antilope saïga après une extinction massive en 2015

En mai 2015, une extinction catastrophique et sans précédent causée par une infection bactérienne a anéanti plus de 200.000 antilopes saïga en quelques semaines. La population de saïgas de Betpak-Dala, dans le centre du Kazakhstan, a perdu presque 90 pour cent de ses animaux, ce qui équivaut à plus de 60 pour cent de la population mondiale, laissant l’espèce dans une situation critique.

15 June 2016

CMS and ACBK raise awareness on migratory mammals at the mining forum “Minex Central Asia” in Astana

The 7th mining forum "MINEX Central Asia – 2016" was hosted in the capital of Kazakhstan, Astana on 19-21 April 2016. For the first time the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS), represented by Kazakhstan’s largest nature conservation NGO, the Association for the Conservation of the Biodiversity of Kazakhstan (ACBK), participated in a major event organized by the mining industry.

15 May 2016

Experts Discuss Nature Conservation in Former Soviet Republics

“Nature Conservation in the Countries of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia – Lessons learned from the transformation process and challenges for the future”

24 March 2016

Countries Agree on Actions to Help Save Saiga Antelopes

Saiga Range Countries and Experts Convene in Tashkent Following Saiga Mass Mortality Event

03 November 2015

Saiga Conservation: Setting the Roadmap for the Years to Come

Tashkent / Bonn, 26 October 2015 – The Third Meeting of the Signatories to the Memorandum of Understanding concerning Conservation, Restoration and Sustainable Use of the Saiga Antelope (Saiga MOU) and Technical Workshop for saiga antelope experts is taking place this week from 26 to 29 October 2015 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan with representatives of governments, UN agencies, NGOs and academia in attendance.

26 Octobre 2015

Study: Conservation Priorities for Shark and Ray Species included and proposed for inclusion in Annex 1 to the CMS Sharks MOU

The Sharks MOU has defined general objectives for the conservation and management of species and populations listed in Annex 1 of the MOU, which are further detailed in a global Conservation Plan for migratory Sharks (Annex 3 to the MOU).
18 Octobre 2015

Guidelines for Addressing the Impact of Linear Infrastructure on Large Migratory Mammals in Central Asia

Guidelines describing the application of best practices to address the impacts of linear infrastructure
development at the project and national level in order to maintain connectivity for wildlife populations
in the face of growing infrastructure development in Central Asia.
04 August 2022

Passage sécurisé pour les animaux sauvages en Mongolie

Des représentants de gouvernement, de l’industrie, des banques de développement, des agences de l’ONU, des ONG et des scientifiques se sont réunis à Ulaanbaatar du 24 au 28 août afin de trouver des solutions garantissant que les animaux des steppes puissent traverser les routes, les chemins de fer et les barrières.

31 August 2015