Visit the CMS Saiga MOU website
The CMS Saiga MOU is the only international instrument for the conservation of the Critically Endangered Saiga antelope. The MOU is a legally non-binding international instrument, which has been in force since 2006 and has been signed by all five Range States.
The MOU aims to achieve and maintain a favourable conservation status for saigas based on the best available scientific information and taking into account the socio-economic value of saigas for the people of various countries.
For a short summary of the current status of the Saiga MOU, please see paragraphs 75-81 of the following document from COP11.
The MOU, together with the associated Medium-Term International Work Programme (MTIWP), provides a road map to guide the implementation of conservation action for the saiga antelope, including sustainable use and trade. The long-term vision of the Medium-Term International Work Programme under the MOU is to restore saiga populations to the point that sustainable use can again be envisioned. The overall goal is for saiga populations to show an increasing trend or that their decline is halted.
Activities under the MTIWP focus on the following objectives:
Título | Estado | Status date | CMS Party number | Region |
Kazakhstan | MOU Signatory | 2006 | 097 | Asia |
Mongolia | MOU Signatory | 2010 | 065 | Asia |
Russian Federation | MOU Signatory | 2009 | AM | Europe |
Turkmenistan | MOU Signatory | 2005 | 132 | Asia |
Uzbekistan | MOU Signatory | 2006 | 055 | Asia |
Instrument name | Memorandum of Understanding concerning Conservation, Restoration and Sustainable Use of the Saiga Antelope |
Type | Article IV(4) |
Languages | English Russian |
Depositary | CMS Secretariat |
Signature | Signed by 5 States and 9 Cooperating Organizations (for details please scroll to 'others' and 'countries') |
In effect | Immediately following the signature by the third State; open for signature indefinitely, will become effective for each subsequent Range State on the date of signature. |
Website URL | |
Other | Signed also by Cooperating Organizations: CMS Secretariat (23.11.05), Ministry of Nature and Environment of Mongolia (23.11.05), International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (23.11.05), IUCN/SSC (23.11.05), WWF International (23.11.05), Fauna and Flora International (24.09.06), Frankfurt Zoological Society (24.09.06) and Wildlife Conservation Society (24.09.06); Association for the Conservation of Biodiversity of Kazakhstan (10.09.10); Saiga Conservation Alliance (10.09.10) and NABU, the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (29.10.05) |
Nombre científico | Nombre común | Class | Order | Family | Appendix (App. I / App. II) |
Saiga tatarica | Saiga Antelope | Mammalia | Artiodactyla | Bovidae | - / 2002 |
Saiga borealis | Mongolian Saiga antelope; Saiga antelope | Mammalia | Artiodactyla | Bovidae | - / 2008 |
Project | Fecha de inicio | End date | Implementing Agency | Estado | Region |
Enhancing stakeholder engagement with CMS MOUs: the Saiga Resource Centre | 09/01/2012 | 08/31/2014 | Saiga Conservation Alliance (SCA) | Ongoing | Asia |
Número del documento | Título | Publish date | Instrumento de la CMS |
UNEP/CMS/Saiga/MOS3/Inf.10.4 | National Report from Turkmenistan | 15.09.2015 | CMS, Saiga Antelope |
UNEP/CMS/Saiga/MOS3/Inf.10.1/Rev.1 | National Report from Kazakhstan | 01.09.2015 | CMS, Saiga Antelope |
UNEP/CMS/Saiga/MOS3/Inf.10.3 | National Report from Russia | 31.08.2015 | CMS, Saiga Antelope |
UNEP/CMS/SA-2/Inf/5.1 | National Report from Turkmenistan (English only) | 10.09.2010 | Saiga Antelope |
UNEP/CMS/SA-2/Inf/5.2 | National Report from Kazakhstan | 10.09.2010 | Saiga Antelope |
UNEP/CMS/SA-2/Inf/5.3 | National Report from Uzbekistan (Russian only) | 10.09.2010 | Saiga Antelope |
UNEP/CMS/SA-2/Inf/5.4 | National Report from Russian Federation (Russian only) | 10.09.2010 | Saiga Antelope |
CMS/SA-1/Inf/3.1 | National Report from Signatories - Turkmenistan | 26.09.2006 | Saiga Antelope |
CMS/SA-1/Inf/3.2 | National Report from Signatories - Uzbekistan | 26.09.2006 | Saiga Antelope |
CMS/SA-1/Inf/4.1 | National Report from Mongolia | 26.09.2006 | Saiga Antelope |
CMS/SA-1/Inf/4.2 | National Report from The People's Republic of China | 26.09.2006 | Saiga Antelope |
CMS/SA-1/Inf/5.1 | National Report from Non-Signatories - Kazakhstan | 26.09.2006 | Saiga Antelope |
CMS/SA-1/Inf/5.2 | National Report from Non-Signatories - Russian Federation | 26.09.2006 | Saiga Antelope |
UNEP/CMS/Saiga/MOS3/Inf.10.2 | National Report from Mongolia | CMS, Saiga Antelope |
Número del documento | Título | Publish date | Instrumento de la CMS |
UNEP/CMS/Saiga/MOS4/Outcome 1 | Medium-Term International Work Programme for the Saiga Antelope (2021 - 2025) | 06.10.2021 | CMS, Saiga Antelope |
Medium Term International Work Programme for the Saiga Antelope (2016-2020) | 13.01.2016 | Saiga Antelope | |
UNEP/CMS/SA-2/Report Annex 5 | Medium Term International Work Programme for the Saiga Antelope (2011-2015) | 10.09.2010 | Saiga Antelope |
CMS/SA-1/Report Annex 9 | Medium Term International Work Programme for the Saiga Antelope (2007-2011) | 26.09.2006 | Saiga Antelope |
Action Plan concerning Conservation, Restoration and Sustainable Use of the Saiga Antelope | Saiga Antelope |