Guideline for the Different Agri-Environmental Schemes for the Benefit of the Great Bustard (Otis tarda)


The development of agricultural technologies, the intensification of cultivation and animal husbandry, - along with several other threats - , led to the collapse of the Central European Great Bustard population, and resulted in a large decline in almost all populations worldwide. Out of the nine threats listed in the “International Single-Species Action Plan for the Western Palaearctic Population of Great Bustard, Otis tarda tarda”, five are related partly or entirely to agriculture.

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Author(s)Miklós Lóránt
Peter Toth
Éva Fejes
Rainer Raab
Dr. Torsten Langgemach
Jozef Ridzoň
Published DateDecember 2023
Publication LanguageEnglish
PublisherCMS Secretariat
TypeTechnical Reports
CMS InstrumentCMS
CMS tagsGuideline