UNEP/CMS/Saiga/MOS4/Inf.3 |
National Report Format for the Saiga Antelope MOU and Action Plan |
UNEP/CMS/Saiga/MOS4/Inf.4 |
Projects Reporting Template for Saiga-related Activities |
UNEP/CMS/Saiga/MOS4/Inf.5 |
Sample Letter of Credentials |
UNEP/CMS/Saiga/MOS4/Inf.6 |
Designated National Contact Point Form |
UNEP/CMS/Saiga/MOS4/Inf.7/Rev.1 |
List of designated National Contact Points |
UNEP/CMS/Saiga/MOS4/Inf.10.1/Rev.1 |
National Report from Kazakhstan |
UNEP/CMS/Saiga/MOS4/Inf.10.2 |
National Report from Mongolia |
UNEP/CMS/Saiga/MOS4/Inf.10.3/Rev.1 |
National Report from the Russian Federation |
UNEP/CMS/Saiga/MOS4/Inf.10.5 |
National Report from Uzbekistan |
UNEP/CMS/Saiga/MOS4/Inf.12 |
Report of the CITES Secretariat |
UNEP/CMS/Saiga/MOS4/Inf.13.1 |
Projects Reporting for Saiga-related Activities: Saiga Conservation Alliance (2016-2020) |
UNEP/CMS/Saiga/MOS4/Inf.13.2 |
Projects Reporting for Saiga-related Activities: Altyn Dala Conservation Initiative Kazakhstan(2006-2021) |
UNEP/CMS/Saiga/MOS4/Inf.13.3 |
Projects Reporting for Saiga-related Activities: World Conservation Society Mongolia |
UNEP/CMS/Saiga/MOS4/Inf.13.4 |
Projects Reporting for Saiga-related Activities: Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union Germany (2015 - 2021) |
UNEP/CMS/Saiga/MOS4/Inf.13.5 |
Projects Reporting for Saiga-related Activities: World Wildlife Fund Russia (2018-2020) |
UNEP/CMS/Saiga/MOS4/Inf.13.6 |
Projects Reporting for Saiga-related Activities: WWF Mongolia |
UNEP/CMS/Saiga/MOS4/Inf.14.1/Rev.1 |
Report on MOU Coordination Activities by the Saiga Conservation Alliance, 2015-2021 |
UNEP/CMS/Saiga/MOS4/Inf.14.2 |
Report on MOU Coordination Activities by the Association for the Conservation of Biodiversity of Kazakhstan, 2015-2021, 2015-2021 |
UNEP/CMS/Saiga/MOS4/Inf.15.1 |
Projects Reporting for Saiga related Activities: GEF Russia |
UNEP/CMS/Saiga/MOS4/Inf.15.2 |
Projects Reporting for Saiga related Activities: Russian Geographic Society |
UNEP/CMS/Saiga/MOS4/Inf.15.3 |
Projects Reporting for Saiga related Activities:Lukoil Russia |
UNEP/CMS/Saiga/MOS4/Inf.15.4 |
Projects Reporting for Saiga-related Activities: IFAW Russia |
UNEP/CMS/Saiga/MOS4/Inf.15.5 |
Projects Reporting for Saiga-related Activities: Royal Veterinary College UK |
UNEP/CMS/Saiga/MOS4/Inf.15.6 |
Projects Reporting for Saiga-related Activities: Steppe Club Russia |
UNEP/CMS/Saiga/MOS4/Inf.21 |
Powerpoint Presentation Template |
UNEP/CMS/Saiga/MOS4/Inf.22 |
Rules of Procedure for Meetings of the Conference of the Parties (COP) (as adopted at COP13) |