
Project Date de début End date Implementing Agency Statut Region
Urgent Actions to Strengthen the Balkan Population of the Egyptian Vulture and Secure Its Flyway 07/01/2017 12/31/2022 Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB) Ongoing Africa, Europe, Middle East
Flyway Action Plan for the Conservation of the Balkan and Central Asian Populations of the Egyptian Vulture 03/31/2014 09/30/2015 The Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB) / BirdLife Bulgaria Completed Asia, Europe
Conservation of Amur Falcon in Nagaland and along its migration route 11/01/2013 10/31/2014 The Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Society (MME/BirdLife Hungary) Completed Asia
African Raptor DataBank: Capturing observations of African birds of prey 11/01/2013 07/31/2014 Habitat Info Completed Africa
Capacity Building to Support the Conservation of Migratory Egyptian Vultures (Neophron percnopterus) from the Western Palearctic on their Wintering Grounds in Ethiopia, Sudan and Chad 09/01/2012 08/31/2013 The Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB)/ BirdLife Bulgaria Completed Africa