CMS/Raptors/MoS1/Doc.3.1 Rev 1 |
Provisional Agenda |
CMS/Raptors/MoS1/Doc.3.1 Annex I |
Key tasks and objectives of the 1st Meeting of Signatories to the Raptors MoU |
CMS/Raptors/MoS1/Doc.3.2 Rev 1 |
Provisional Annotated Agenda and Schedule |
CMS/Raptors/MoS1/Doc.4.Rev.2 |
Rules of Procedure |
CMS/Raptors/MoS1/Doc.7 |
Admission of Observers |
CMS/Raptors/MoS1/Doc.7 Annex I |
List of Observers for which permission to attend the meeting is requested |
CMS/Raptors/MoS1/Doc.9 |
Report of the Interim Coordinating Unit |
CMS/Raptors/MoS1/Doc.9 Annex I |
Guidance for National Contact Points of the Raptors MoU |
CMS/Raptors/MoS1/Doc.9 Annex II |
Contact Point Designation Form |
CMS/Raptors/MoS1/Doc.9 Annex III |
List of Designated National Contact Points |
CMS/Raptors/MoS1/Doc.9 Annex IV |
Summary of the main communications issued by the Interim Coordinating Unit |
CMS/Raptors/MoS1/Doc.10 |
CMS COP10: Outcomes Relevant to the Raptors MOU |
CMS/Raptors/MoS1/Doc.10 Annex |
Strategic Plan Working Group: Statement from the CMS Secretariat |
CMS/Raptors/MoS1/Doc.11 |
Conservation initiatives under the Raptors MoU |
CMS/Raptors/MoS1/Doc.11.1 |
Saker Falcon Task Force |
CMS/Raptors/MoS1/Doc.11.2 |
Conflict between migratory birds and electricity power grids |
CMS/Raptors/MoS1/Doc.11.2 Annex I |
Executive Summary: Review of the Conflict between Migratory Birds and the Electricity Power Grids in the African-Eurasian Region |
CMS/Raptors/MoS1/Doc. 11.2 Annex II |
Guidelines for Mitigating Conflict between Migratory Birds and Electricity Power Grids |
CMS/Raptors/MoS1/Doc.11.2 Annex III |
CMS Res.10.11 Power Lines and Migratory Birds |
CMS/Raptors/MoS1/Doc.12.1 |
National and Regional Strategies |
CMS/Raptors/MoS1/Doc.12.1 Annex I.Rev.1 |
Replies received from Signatories concerning the Development of National or Regional Raptor Conservation and Management Strategies |
CMS/Raptors/MoS1/Doc.12.2 |
National Reporting by Signatories |
CMS/Raptors/MoS1/Doc.12.2 Annex I |
Update form for Signatories |
CMS/Raptors/MoS1/Doc.12.2 Annex II Rev.1 |
Synthesis of Signatories Online Update Forms on Implementation of the Raptors MoU |
CMS/Raptors/MoS1/Doc.12.2 Annex III |
Pakistan |
CMS/Raptors/MoS1/Doc.12.2 Annex IV |
Signatories’ National Reports submitted to CMS COP10 |
CMS/Raptors/MoS1/Doc.13.1.Rev.1 |
Establishment of the Coordinating Unit |
CMS/Raptors/MoS1/Doc.13.2 |
Establishment of a Technical Advisory Group for the Raptors MOU |
CMS/Raptors/MoS1/Doc.13.2 Annex |
Draft Terms of Reference for the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) |
CMS/Raptors/MoS1/Doc.13.3 |
Procedures for Amending the MoU Text and its Annexes |
CMS/Raptors/MoS1/Doc.13.4 |
Cooperating Partners |
CMS/Raptors/MoS1/Doc.14.1 |
Current Financial Status and Future Funding |
CMS/Raptors/MoS1/Doc.14.1 Annex I |
Financial Statement of the ICU for Raptors MoU |
CMS/Raptors/MoS1/Doc.14.1 Annex II |
Summaries of project proposals submitted to the CMS Small Grants Programme 2012 |
CMS/Raptors/MoS1/Doc.14.1 Annex III |
Estimated voluntary assessed annual contributions by Signatories to generate US$ 200,000 per year |
CMS/Raptors/MoS1/Doc.14.1 Annex IV |
Estimated voluntary assessed annual contributions by Signatories to generate US$ 650,000 per year |
CMS/Raptors/MoS1/Doc.14.2 |
Arrangements for Convening Meetings of Signatories |