
CMS Office - Abu Dhabi : A Decade of Achievements

We Need Vultures and They Need Us: Urgent International Action to Save Vultures 

18 December 2019

Global Dugong Genetics Project

The Global Dugong Genetics Project aims to examine the phylogeography of the dugong based on historical samples from throughout the dugong’s range. It will update conservation and management actions through mapping the distribution of discrete dugong populations; identifying historical and potential migratory routes; and highlighting small populations as a priority for conservation. The Project was a collaboration between James Cook University and Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University.

04 May 2021

Dugong and Seagrass Research Toolkit

The Dugong and Seagrass Research Toolkit is an initiative by TOTAL, Total Abu Al Bukhoosh, Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi and CMS Dugong MOU to provide an easily accessible online resource that incorporates decision-making for the selection of the most appropriate methodologies for studies of dugongs, seagrasses and the associated human communities.

16 July 2018

Public Awareness Program and Development of Education Toolkit for Green Sea Turtle Conservation in Sarawak, Malaysia

Nobody knows exactly what happened during "the lost years" of the turtles in the wild, thus a green turtle headstarting project was carried out at Pantai Pandan, Lundu, Sarawak, Malaysia from June 2014 until December 2015 to shed some lights on the growth of hatchlings during a small part of their "lost years". As a consequent, opportunity of small scale awareness campaigns on sea turtle conservation arises during this project. Activities include talk related to green turtles conservation, hands on experience on turtle-human interaction (supervised), and documentation via videography.

14 September 2018

Using Photographic Identification To Monitor Sea Turtle Populations At Perhentian Islands Marine Park In Malaysia

Perhentian Islands Marine Park is home to foraging and nesting Green Turtles (Chelonia mydas) and Hawksbill Turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) but little information is available other than nesting trends and hatching success. We used photographic identification (photo-ID) methods to identify individuals and to determine their sex ratios, habitat use, and site fidelity.

14 September 2018

Low Genetic Diversity after a Bottleneck in a Population of a Critically Endangered Migratory Marine Turtle Species.

Hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata), which are distributed throughout the world's oceans, have undergone drastic declines across their range, largely due to anthropogenic factors. Assessing sizes, genetic variability and structure of their populations at global and regional levels is critical to the development of conservation management strategies.

14 May 2019

Evaluating the Threat of IUU Fishing to Sea Turtles in the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia using Expert Elicitation

Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing is a pervasive issue that affects economic, social, regulatory and environmental systems in all ocean basins. Research on the ecological impacts of IUU fishing has been relatively underrepresented, with minimal investigation into how IUU fishing may negatively affect populations of marine megafauna, such as sea turtles.

13 September 2018

Hatching success of Hawksbill sea turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) in a protected hatchery site in Nakhiloo Island, Persian Gulf

Hawksbill sea turtle is one of the two important marine turtles, breeding and nesting regularly in the Iran beaches of the Persian Gulf. Hawksbill turtles are critically endangered and there is very little information regarding their Indian Northwest population. Thirty eight nests of Eretmochelys imbricata were monitored during the nesting season in Nakhiloo Island. Half of the nests were transferred into a protected hatchery site, in which there were no risk of predation and high-tide inundation. All nests were closely monitored during the incubation period.

13 September 2018

Diversity, Habitat Distribution, and Indigenous Hunting of Marine Turtles in the Calamian Islands, Palawan, Republic of the Philippines

All of the world’s seven species of marine turtle are threatened by a multitude of anthropogenic pressures across all stages of their life history. The Calamian Islands, Palawan, Philippines provide important foraging and nesting grounds for four species: green turtles (Chelonia mydas), hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata), loggerheads (Caretta caretta), and leatherbacks (Dermochelys coriacea).

13 September 2018