
2015/024: Nuevo Signatario del MdE sobre las Aves Rapaces del PNUMA/CMS

La Secretaría de la Convención sobre la Conservación de Especies Migratorias de Animales Silvestres (CMS) en su calidad de Depositario del Memorando de Entendimiento sobre la Conservación de Av

12 Octubre 2015

Las naciones señalan 12 especies de buitres para afrontar la disminución de su población en África

Bonn/Trondheim, 09 de octubre de 2015– Se han señalado otras dieciocho especies de aves de presa en una reunión internacional de representantes gubernamentales y expertos esta semana en Tr

09 Octubre 2015

Reunión de países para abordar el envenenamiento de aves en el África austral

Representantes de países y expertos en fauna silvestre se reunieron en Ciudad del Cabo (Sudáfrica) el 24 de agosto, para abordar el envenenamiento de las aves migratorias, un problema que también amenaza a los depredadores importantes.

25 August 2015

Migratory sharks in the Gulf of Gabès: by-catch, ecology and critical habitats

Investigation conducted in Tunisia showed that several elasmobranch species (Rays and sharks)   occur along Tunisian coasts mainly in the Gulf of Gabès; 65 species were recorded, among them eight rays and five sharks are common.

07 August 2015

Countries Meet to Tackle Threats to Europe’s Most Endangered Bird of Prey

Government officials, NGOs and experts from over 30 countries met from 5 to 8 July in Sofia, Bulgaria, to develop a Flyway Action Plan for the Egyptian Vulture.

13 July 2015

Raptors MoU Secures 50 Signatories!

The CMS Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation of Migratory Birds of Prey in Africa and Eurasia (Raptors MoU) was signed by Lebanon and Syria, bringing the total number of Signatories to 50.

28 January 2015

IVAD 2014: Update on Collaboration on a Flyway Action Plan for the Endangered Egyptian Vulture

International Vulture Awareness Day (IVAD) 2014 offers a unique opportunity for the Coordinating Unit of the CMS Raptors MoU to celebrate its collaboration with the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB – BirdLife Bulgaria) to develop a ‘Flyway Action Plan (FAP) for the Conservation of the Balkan and Central Asian Populations of the Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus)’.

04 September 2014

New Citizen Science Tool to Record Birds of Prey Sightings Across Africa

A new smartphone application (App) to record raptor sightings throughout Africa is launched today. Developed by Habitat Info,in collaboration with the CMS Raptors MoU, this user-friendly, free-of-charge application enables birdwatchers, naturalists and members of the public to capture information offline on their Android phones and tablets anywhere.

07 July 2014

Experts to Discuss Draft Conservation Plan to Reverse Decline in Saker Falcon Population

This article has been published in The National Newspaper UAE, on 10 June 2014.


11 June 2014