Saker Falcon © Image Broker Robert Harding
Bonn/Abu Dhabi, 05 October 2015 - Government representatives and conservationists will meet 5 - 8 October in Trondheim, Norway, to share experience and discuss measures to conserve migratory birds of prey.
More than 50 countries have signed the CMS Raptors MOU agreeing to work together to better protect vultures, eagles, hawks, falcons and owls. More countries are expected to add their signature during the meeting to strengthen international efforts to address threats to endangered raptor species.
Illegal killing, taking and trade across the Mediterranean, collisions with power lines and wind turbines as well as the dramatic decline of vulture populations in Africa are among the key topics to be discussed.
See meeting higlights provided by the IISD Reporting Services here.
Last updated on 05 January 2016