CMS Technical Series Publication No. 27
The phenomenon of bird migration has been a source of wonder for man since time immemorial. However, the biological integrity of this intricate seasonal journey, which covers a network of several biomes across different frontiers and continents, is being compromised due to a plethora of threats and challenges, and consequently the vulnerability of migrat ory birds is increasing worldwide.
A Review of Migratory Bird Flyways and Priorities for Management is an exhaustive work, which addresses the issue of migratory bird conservation with a comprehensive approach touching on core thematic areas:
- To review existing administrative/management instruments for migratory bird flyways globally (Review 1, presented here as Part 1)
- To review scientific/technical knowledge of migratory bird flyways and conservation priorities, and identify major gaps (Review 2, now Part 2);
- To propose policy options for flyway conservation and management to feed into the Intersessional Process regarding the Future Shape of CMS (Review 3, now Part 3).