The African Raptor DataBank (ARDB) is an ambitious non-profit, citizen science project. It aims to inspire birdwatchers and other observers to submit information that will reveal the conservation status of raptors and their habitats throughout Africa. It will also help develop the local expertise needed to monitor these indicator species in the future and to implement sound strategies to safeguard them. The Coordinating Unit of the Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation of Migratory Birds of Prey in Africa and Eurasia (Raptors MoU) has joined forces with ARDB to assist Signatories in Africa to better understand and conserve the raptor riches they hold.
Africa has a higher diversity of birds of prey than any other continent: some 169 species occur regularly, 69% of which are endemic to Africa or its associated islands. These various species constitute more than 75% of all raptor species worldwide. More than 60% of the migratory raptors covered by the Raptors MoU occur in Africa. Currently, a huge knowledge gap exists in the distribution and ecology during migration and in the wintering areas for many of these species. Surveys, monitoring programmes and observations are needed over much of Africa in order to establish successful conservation programmes.
In less than a year since its launch, ARDB succeeded in gathering over 55.000 records from birdwatchers and other observers throughout Africa. ARDB has been developed to handle a wide range of raptor information, such as nest records, road counts, casual observations and mortality data. The records are collected through online computer applications and in spreadsheet format. Collaboration with the Raptors MoU will allow ARDB to develop user-friendly, free-of-charge, offline applications (Apps) for mobile telephones using Android OS and Apple iOS. These Apps will record data in offline conditions which will ease the recording process, encourage greater use of the database by the general public, and enable recording in parts of Africa with incomplete internet access. The Android App will be ready for use by the end of 2013 and a similar iPhone App is planned for release in July 2014.