
Raptors MOU and Partners Launch New Video to Celebrate International Vulture Awareness Day

To commemorate the  International Vulture Awareness Day, the Raptors MOU, and a coalition of leading conservation organizations have released a new video highlighting the critical role of vultures in our ecosystems and the urgent need for their protection.

07 September 2024

Report Highlights Urgent Need to Step Up Actions for Vultures in Africa and Eurasia

The much-anticipated Mid Term Implementation Review of the 12-Year Vulture Multispecies Action Plan (Vulture MsAP) has been completed, revealing crucial insights into the current state of vulture populations in Africa and Eurasia. Designed in 2017 to address the pressing threats facing these majestic birds, the Vulture MsAP aims to ensure their survival and promote their recovery across 128 countries in Africa-Eurasia. However, the latest review underscores the urgent need for intensified efforts to counter ongoing challenges and emerging threats to vultures.

17 February 2024

Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan sign the CMS Raptors agreement ahead of CMS COP14

Samarkand, 11 February 2024 - Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan have today signed the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) Memorandum of U

11 February 2024

New Report Shows Widespread Population Declines of African Raptors

A new report published today in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution has found that Africa’s birds of prey may be facing an extinction crisis. According to the report by an international team of researchers, African savanna raptors such as the Rüppell's Vulture, the Steppe Eagle, and the iconic Secretarybird are showing evidence of widespread and significant population declines and a growing dependence on protected areas across the African continent.

04 January 2024

Honouring the Guardians of the Skies: Celebrating Vultures on International Vulture Awareness Day

As the world prepares to unite for International Vulture Awareness Day on September 2nd, we celebrate international initiatives to recognize and honour the unsung heroes of our ecosystems: the vultures.

29 August 2023

The Egyptian Vulture New LIFE Project: Celebrating success

The Egyptian Vulture New LIFE is one of the most ambitious conservation ventures in the history of vulture conservation. The Raptors MOU has teamed up with 20 organizations and succeeded to halting the population decline of the species in the Balkans.

16 March 2023

An Action Plan to Save West African Vultures

11 November 2022