Podgorica © Ministry of Tourism, Ecology, Sustainable Development and Northern Development, Montenegro
The CMS Secretariat, on behalf of MIKT, is organising together with the Montenegrin Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Northern Development, a workshop on how to develop, implement and monitor National Action Plans on illegal killing, taking and trade of migratory birds (IKB). The workshop will take place in person from Monday, 2 September to Wednesday 4 September 2024, in Podgorica, Montenegro.
The workshop is addressed only to Balkan countries, specifically to experts from the following countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Slovenia.
Goals of the Meeting
The meeting aims to make progress on the Rome Strategic Plan 2020-2030: Eradicating Illegal Killing, Taking and Trade in Wild Birds in Europe and the Mediterranean region, process-oriented objective of National IKB Action Plans.
During the workshop participants will be able to share experience with experts from other countries and NGOs with experience in developing and implementing Action Plans. They will be able to join in breakouts to discuss in detail strategies for developing, implementing, monitoring and engaging stakeholders in Action Planning.
Developing an IKB NAP is closely aligned with completing the Scoreboard and participants will be able to explore the synergies between the two processes.
The aim is for experts to return to their countries and help with the development and adoption of national Action Plans on IKB.
The Rome Strategic Plan and the MIKT Workplan 2021-2025 process-oriented objective of National IKB Action Plans outlines a number of activities on National IKB Action Plans.
Among them, Action d, states that “Within the period 2020-2030, organize regional workshops to support the development (finished by 2024) and implementation of National Action Plans, where needed.”
This workshop helps to implement this action.
According to the Rome Strategic Plan, each National Action Plan against IKB is intended to identify the strategies and actions of the Rome Strategic Plan that are the most relevant to the situation of the country to which it applies or provide a ranking in terms of priorities for the actions to be implemented.
The development of an IKB NAP is considered an opportunity for wide collaboration between all actors involved in combating IKB in a country and a way of prioritising and organizing action. It is also a way of encouraging ownership and empowering the different actors, especially if the plan is endorsed at a high governmental level.
Additionally, the development of an IKB NAP offers ways to coordinate action of different agencies and stakeholders, monitor as well as report on action, and measure success against objectives and targets. It can also help organise international cooperation and fundraising.
As part of the implementation of the Rome Strategic Plan, the CMS and Bern Convention Secretariats prepared Guidance for the Development and Implementation of National Action Plans against the Illegal Killing, Taking and Trade of birds. MIKT members and the Standing Committee of the Bern Convention endorsed this document in 2022.
Dates | 02 Sep 2024 to 04 Sep 2024 |
Organizador | CMS Secretariat |
Instrumento de la CMS | CMS |
Tipo | Workshop |
Tipo | Official |
Status | Confirmed |
Idiomas | English |
Pais | Montenegro |
Ciudad | Podgorica |
Descargue todos los archivos en .zip
Número | Título | Archivos | |
IKB NAP Workshop Balkans_Meeting Report |
IKB NAP Workshop Balkans_Meeting Report |
Número | Título | Archivos |
UNEP/CMS/IKB-NAP/Doc.4.1_rev.2 | Provisional Agenda and List of Documents | |
UNEP/CMS/IKB-NAP/Doc.4.2_rev.1 | Draft Provisional Annotated Agenda and Meeting Schedule | |
UNEP/CMS/IKB-NAP/Doc.6 | Guidance for the Development and Implementation of National Action Plans against IKB |
Número | Título | Archivos | |
CMS Mandate and Lessons |
CMS Mandate and Lessons_Ramirez |
MIKT Strategy and Guidance |
MIKT Strategy and Guidance_Papazoglou |
Elaborating a National IKB Action Plan in Montenegro: update and next steps |
Elaborating a National IKB Action Plan in Montenegro: update and next steps
Workshop IKB NAPs_Experience from Italy |
Workshop IKB NAPs-Experience from Italy_Aradis |
Methodology BalkanDetox LIFE_capacity building_and_engagement |
Methodology used in BalkanDetox LIFE for capacity building and engagement_Andevski |
Hunting Tourism for better or worse |
Hunting Tourism: for better or worse_Griffin |
Theory of Change |
Theory of Change_Ferger |
Wildlife Crime Academy New LIFE Project |
Wildlife Crime Academy New LIFE Project_Andevski |
Bosnia and Herzegovina_IKB |
Bosnia and Herzegovina_IKB |
Croatia IKB MZOTZ and BIOM |
Croatia IKB_MZOTZ and BIOM |
North Macedonia_IKB_MV |
North Macedonia_IKB_MV |
Serbia_IKB_Radakovic |
Serbia IKB_Radakovic |
Número | Título | Archivos |
UNEP/CMS/IKB-NAP/Inf.5.1 | Resolution 11.16 (Rev. COP14) on the Prevention of Illegal Killing, Taking and Trade of Migratory Birds | |
UNEP/CMS/IKB-NAP/Inf.6.1 | Rome Strategic Plan 2020-2030 | |
UNEP/CMS/IKB-NAP/Inf.6.2 | Scoreboard with MIKT endorsed Amendments | |
UNEP/CMS/IKB-NAP/Inf.6.3 | Italian Action Plan to Combat Wild Bird Crime | |
UNEP/CMS/IKB-NAP/Inf.6.4 | Format for National Action Plans for Addressing the Illegal Killing, Trapping, Taking, Trade and Poisoning of wild birds |
Número | Título | Archivos |
Information for in-person participants | Information for in-person participants |