CMS Instrument | Status | Status date | Notes |
CMS | Party | 01.06.1988 | |
AEWA | Party | 01.11.1999 | Final Act; 16.06.1995 |
Atlantic Turtles | MOU Signatory | 09.05.2002 | |
Aquatic Warbler | MOU Signatory | 30.04.2003 | |
West African Elephants | MOU Signatory | 08.01.2007 | |
Western African Aquatic Mammals | Range State | ||
MOU Signatory | 22.10.2008 | ||
MOU Signatory | 12.02.2010 | ||
Sahelo-Saharan Megafauna Initiative | Range State | ||
African Carnivores Initiative | Range State | ||
Joint CITES/CMS/IUCN Lion Web Portal | Range State |
Official name | the Republic of Senegal |
Party number | 027 |
Region | Africa |
Entry into force | June 1988 |
Nombre científico | Nombre común | Class | Order | Family | Appendix (App. I / App. II) |
Pan troglodytes | Chimpanzee | Mammalia | Primates | Hominidae | 2017 / 2017 |
Stenella clymene | Clymene Dolphin | Mammalia | Cetacea | Delphinidae | - / 2009 |
Panthera leo | Lion | Mammalia | Carnivora | Felidae | - / 2017 |
Balaenoptera musculus | Blue Whale | Mammalia | Cetacea | Balaenopteridae | 1979 / - |
Loxodonta africana | African Elephant | Mammalia | Proboscidea | Elephantidae | - / 1979 |
Eretmochelys imbricata | Hawksbill Turtle | Reptilia | Testudinata | Cheloniidae | 1985 / 1979 |
Lepidochelys olivacea | Ridley Turtle, Olive Ridley Turtle | Reptilia | Testudinata | Cheloniidae | 1985 / 1979 |
Dermochelys coriacea | Leatherback Turtle, Leathery Turtle | Reptilia | Testudinata | Dermochelidae | 1979 / 1979 |
Caretta caretta | Loggerhead Turtle | Reptilia | Testudinata | Cheloniidae | 1985 / 1979 |
Chelonia mydas | Green Turtle | Reptilia | Testudinata | Cheloniidae | 1979 / 1979 |
Mobula thurstoni | Bentfin Devil Ray, Lesser Devil Ray, Smoothtail Devil Ray, Smoothtail Mobula, Thurton’s Devil Ray | Chondrichthyes | Myliobatiformes | Mobulidae | 2014 / 2014 |
Carcharodon carcharias | Great White Shark, White Shark | Chondrichthyes | Lamniformes | Lamnidae | 2002 / 2002 |
Isurus oxyrinchus | Shortfin Mako Shark | Chondrichthyes | Lamniformes | Lamnidae | - / 2008 |
Pristis pectinata | Smalltooth Sawfish | Chondrichthyes | Rhinopristiformes | Pristidae | 2014 / 2014 |
Mobula tarapacana | Box Ray, Chilean Devil Ray, Devil Ray, Greater Guinean Mobula, Sicklefin Devil Ray, Spiny Mobula | Chondrichthyes | Myliobatiformes | Mobulidae | 2014 / 2014 |
Carcharhinus longimanus | Oceanic whitetip shark | Chondrichthyes | Carcharhiniformes | Carcharhinidae | 2020 / - |
Pristis pristis | Largetooth Sawfish | Chondrichthyes | Rhinopristiformes | Pristidae | 2014 / 2014 |
Mobula rochebrunei | Lesser Guinean Devil Ray | Chondrichthyes | Myliobatiformes | Mobulidae | 2014 / 2014 |
Manta alfredi | Reef Manta Ray, Prince Alfred’s Ray, Inshore Manta Ray, Coastal Manta Ray, Resident Manta Ray | Chondrichthyes | Myliobatiformes | Mobulidae | 2014 / 2014 |
Galeorhinus galeus | Tope Shark | Chondrichthyes | Carcharhiniformes | Triakidae | - / 2020 |
Sphyrna lewini | Scalloped hammerhead shark | Chondrichthyes | Carcharhiniformes | Sphyrnidae | - / 2014 |
Cetorhinus maximus | Basking Shark, (Traditionally Sunfish Or Sailfish, Hoe Mother) | Chondrichthyes | Lamniformes | Cetorhinidae | 2005 / 2005 |
Alopias superciliosus | Bigeye Thresher Shark | Chondrichthyes | Lamniformes | Alopiidae | - / 2014 |
Manta birostris | Manta Ray | Chondrichthyes | Myliobatiformes | Mobulidae | 2011 / 2011 |
Sphyrna mokarran | Great hammerhead shark | Chondrichthyes | Carcharhiniformes | Sphyrnidae | - / 2014 |