Second Meeting of the Signatories (MoS2)

The location on the map is approximate!
09 Nov 2008 to 12 Nov 2008
OrganizerCMS Secretariat
CMS InstrumentMiddle-European Great Bustard
CityFeodosia, Crimea

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Number Title Files
UNEP/CMS/GB/MOS5/Inf.1 Report of the First Meeting of the Signatory States of the Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation and Management of the Middle-European Population of the Great Bustard, Illmitz, Austria, 17-18 September 2004
UNEP/CMS/GB/2/Inf.2 Status of Signatures to the Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation and Management of the Middle-European Population of the Great Bustard
UNEP/CMS/GB/2/Inf.3 List of Designated National Contact Points
UNEP/CMS/GB/2/Inf.4.x National Reports from Signatories
UNEP/CMS/GB/2/Inf.4.2 National Reports from Signatories – The FYR of Macedonia
UNEP/CMS/GB/2/Inf.4.8 National Reports from Signatories – Bulgaria
UNEP/CMS/GB/2/Inf.5.x Reports from non-Signatories
UNEP/CMS/GB/2/Inf.6.x Reports from Co-operating and other Organisations
UNEP/CMS/GB/2/Inf.6.1 Study on the current status of Great Bustard in Bulgaria: Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds/BirdLife Bulgaria
UNEP/CMS/GB/2/Inf.7 Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation and Management of the Middle-European Population of the Great Bustard and Action Plan
UNEP/CMS/GB/2/Inf.8 CMS Convention Text and Appendices
UNEP/CMS/GB/2/Inf.9/Rev.1 Agenda of the Great Bustard Scientific Symposium
UNEP/CMS/GB/2/Inf.10 Outcomes of the Great Bustard Scientific Symposium
UNEP/CMS/GB/2/Inf.11 Provisional List of Participants