Through a decision taken at a 2007 intergovernmental meeting in Johannesburg, a Western Indian Ocean Marine Turtle Task Force (WIO-MTTF) was established under the Nairobi Convention, in partnership with the IOSEA Marine Turtle MoU.
The body has been set up to promote implementation in the WIO region of the Conservation and Management Plan of the IOSEA Marine Turtle MOU. It recognizes that the Nairobi Convention provides a useful political platform for raising the profile of marine turtle conservation issues in the region, while the IOSEA Marine Turtle MOU offers a comprehensive conservation plan combined with effective monitoring of implementation.
Please see the Terms of Reference for the WIO-MTTF here.
Please see here a list of the Task Force Members (nominated by Signatory States).
Information on meetings of the WIO-MTTF is accessible through the links below::
Tenth Meeting of the WIO-MTTF (hybid: South Africa/online, 14 October 2022)
Ninth Meeting of the WIO-MTTF (online, 23 March 2021)
Eighth Meeting of the WIO-MTTF (Moka, Mauritius, 5 July 2019)
Seventh Meeting of the WIO-MTTF (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 2 November 2017)
Sixth Meeting of the WIO-MTTF (Bonn, Germany, 7 September 2014)
Fifth Meeting of the WIO-MTTF (Maputo, Mozambique, 28 October-2 November 2013)
Fourth Meeting of the WIO-MTTF (Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 4‐7 December 2012)
Third Meeting - no information available
Second Meeting of the WIO-MTTF (St. Denis, La Réunion, France, 23 August 2009)
First Meeting of the WIO-MTTF (Dar es Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania, 27-29 February 2008)