Delegates from Bangladesh, India, the Maldives, Pakistan and Sri Lanka and representatives of non-governmental and scientific organisations met from 11-12 October 2015 in Malé to discuss measures for the comprehensive protection, conservation, replenishment and recovery of marine turtles and their habitats in the Northern Indian Ocean region. At this meeting, the Northern Indian Ocean Marine Turtle Task Force (NIO-MTTF) was established to strengthen sub-regional cooperation.
Please see here the Terms of Reference for the NIO-MTTF as revised and agreed at the third meeting.
Please see here a list of the Task Force Members (nominated by Signatory States).
Information on meetings of the NIO-MTTF is accessible through the links below:
Fifth Meeting of the NIO-MTTF (online, 6-8 May 2025)
Fourth Meeting of the NIO-MTTF (Maldives, 7-9 March 2023)
Third Meeting of the NIO-MTTF (online, 13-14 December 2021)
Second Meeting of the NIO-MTTF (Colombo, Sri Lanka, 29-30 January 2018)
First Meeting of the NIO-MTTF (Malé, Maldives, 11-12 October 2015)