South-West Asia

Global Dugong Genetics Project

The Global Dugong Genetics Project aims to examine the phylogeography of the dugong based on historical samples from throughout the dugong’s range. It will update conservation and management actions through mapping the distribution of discrete dugong populations; identifying historical and potential migratory routes; and highlighting small populations as a priority for conservation. The Project was a collaboration between James Cook University and Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University.

04 May 2021

Dugong and Seagrass Research Toolkit

The Dugong and Seagrass Research Toolkit is an initiative by TOTAL, Total Abu Al Bukhoosh, Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi and CMS Dugong MOU to provide an easily accessible online resource that incorporates decision-making for the selection of the most appropriate methodologies for studies of dugongs, seagrasses and the associated human communities.

16 July 2018

Hatching success of Hawksbill sea turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) in a protected hatchery site in Nakhiloo Island, Persian Gulf

Hawksbill sea turtle is one of the two important marine turtles, breeding and nesting regularly in the Iran beaches of the Persian Gulf. Hawksbill turtles are critically endangered and there is very little information regarding their Indian Northwest population. Thirty eight nests of Eretmochelys imbricata were monitored during the nesting season in Nakhiloo Island. Half of the nests were transferred into a protected hatchery site, in which there were no risk of predation and high-tide inundation. All nests were closely monitored during the incubation period.

13 September 2018

Marine Turtles of the Red Sea

Marine turtles are long-lived reptiles that appeared on Earth in the late Triassic. There are seven extant species worldwide, five of which can be found in the Red Sea: the green turtle, the hawksbill turtle, the loggerhead turtle, the olive ridley turtle and the leatherback turtle.

14 September 2018

Capacity-building Workshop on Bycatch Held in Oman

A capacity building workshop to support the implementation of the Regional Observer Scheme of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) was organized by the IOTC Secretar

23 October 2015

Study: Conservation Priorities for Shark and Ray Species included and proposed for inclusion in Annex 1 to the CMS Sharks MOU

The Sharks MOU has defined general objectives for the conservation and management of species and populations listed in Annex 1 of the MOU, which are further detailed in a global Conservation Plan for migratory Sharks (Annex 3 to the MOU).
18 October 2015

CMS Dugong MOU Standardised Catch and Bycatch Questionnaire

The Dugong MOU Secretariat provided funding to enable a partnership with the Marine Research Foundation and a team of global experts to develop and implement a Questionnaire which could be implemented at low cost across large geographical areas, and that generates standardised data sets. The Questionnaire was designed to collect data on dugongs, as well as marine turtles and cetaceans, and has resulted in a large data set of dugong numbers and distribution across a significant portion of the dugong’s geographic range.

10 March 2021

Dugong, Seagrass and Coastal Communities Initiative

The Dugong, Seagrass and Coastal Communities Initiative encompasses complementary activities to support the conservation of dugongs and their seagrass habitats throughout the over 40 Range States.

14 March 2014